Very the tired ....

Was in Lei's house on thursday night till yesterday moring, cause i just feel like dun want to be at home.

Yesterday's schedule was kind of tight:

11.00am: Wake up
11.15am: Bustop
11:30am: Kelana Jaya LRT
12:55am: Central
01:10pm: Time Square
01:30pm: Bought a Sony Headphones
01:40pm: Borders Time Square
02:10pm: With Ah Jel
03:00pm: Stuck in Jam (To Jel's Place)
03:20pm: Jell's house (Lei came also)
04:30pm: Stuck in Jam (to KL)
05:10pm: Finally in Sungei Wang
06:30pm: Bought Lei's Camera
07:00pm: Makan KFC.
07:30pm: Look to VCL-H2630 tele-converter.
08:30pm: Stuck in Jam (To Khin's house)
09:00pm: In Khin's house (DVD, take pictures)
12:00AM: On the way home.

Wah Lan Neh ~! ....... 12 hours non-stop out side.
Sooooo bloody tired.

But AhTak did manage to take a few pictures that I think look nice.

Folks ... Can i talk bout the pictures later ? Tired ..
aut still kena kerja........


  1. Anonymous said...
    Wow...that was a pretty adventurous outing for u. I can imagine how tired you are.
    Just like to comment that the pics u took are very nice. The grasshopper (i hope i got that right)...are they real ones? Cos it looks pretty clear...
    AhTak said...
    Yeah ... Pretty tired. But all worth when you pictures you think are good in your camera as the payback from all those tiring things.

    And you get it wrong like my Dad. NOT Grasshopper lah, it's Praying Mantis ! hahaha ! i also got the name from colleagues the next day ~ Thay cute fella pay a visit to Lei's house the day, so I was lucky to have a potrait for it ~
    Anonymous said...
    What a great site » »

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