The differences ...

I dont's know you guys, but I see alot of diefferences between these 3 pictures. The First 2 was taken By AhTak a year back, and the last one was taken by me last night using the same camera ...... Only diffrences maybe the way I look at things and Lei Lei's tripod.

Same place, same people and same camera.

I think I have grow alot within this 1 and a half year staying in KL. I tried losing things which is used to be very important in my life, tried gaining things that I can never get if I stay back in Sabah. As all the friends who came from Sabah like me, get to know some new friends and colleagues here in KL. Meet up with so many peoples and learnt so much from these people here.

If I haven't been living here in KL, I guess i will never learn what is reality and how cruel can life be, being one part in the sociaty, has never and will never be easy.


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