Again ....

Tak = Me , CUT = Customer over the phone.

Tak: Morning XXX ...
CUT: Hi morning, I am wondering where can I check the price for Mac products ah ?

1. Ladies and gentlement. I think my company name sounds obviously that we are selling Mac. I think I should know the prices pretty well.
2. If want to know what number to call for Mac prices. Call 103, or flip Yellow Pages.

Tak: I think I can help you on that.
CUT: How much is the iTalk ah?
Tak: It's RM199.
CUT: Is that the same price all over the world ?
Tak: Haha, I am not sure bout that.

Man, the furthest I have been is Singapore, while i was age of 10 or less. How the hell am I surpose to know? OMG ...

CUT: Do you know how to use the iTalk.
Tak: Yes, it's just plug and play.

Come'on, stop making me to think that i am stupid. Working in a Mac store and hell dun know how to use my products?

CUT: Do you have easy payment ah ?
Tak: Yah, Standard Charted and Maybank ONLY.
CUT: Do you have EON or Public or ....

You have any idea the meaning on "ONLY" ???
Totally speechless...........

Sitting on the counter and answering phone calls can be the most entertaining job in the world ~ since you will be answering all sort of funny phone calls. Try to make themself funny so they get discount or try to make you look stupid and you give discount. hahaha. What a World, Lovely ....


  1. Levonne said...
    hey ... u work in MAC ah ...
    eh .. any vacancies ??? not in M;sia of cus
    AhTak said...
    Malaysia here got alot ler ~~~
    Singapore dun know ooh ....

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