Friday Again ....

Sometimes I hate Friday. As it's my off day and I have no better things to do other than go to KL and waste time... OR.... sleep at home and waste time.... OR ..... go around town to take pictures and waste time....

So, today AhTak have decided to do something very meaningful, for my own sake. If I am not mistaken, I last tidy up my room was months ago...

TIDY= Mop, sapu, assets arrangement, cabling, MASIVE laundry and vacuum.

Now only i know how difficult it is to tidy up AhTak's room. Thanks Mom, thanks ex-gf.

1.Started off by removing everysinglepieceofshit in my room. Took me 1 hour plus.
2.Vacuum the floor and found something interesting.
3.Mop the stupid floor. Ajax Fabuluso ~~
4.Then sapu the floor.
5.Re-arrange all the books and CDs and DVDs i've got. Hell alot i tell you.
6.Re-do all the cabling as in extension-plug, wall-plug, and speaker cables.
7.Tidy up the cabinet.
8.Clean the Fan. (heavily dusted)
10.Make sure everything is clean.

I thought i came to KL with 2 bags only, how come it took me 1 hour plus just to move everypieceofshit of my room > I have no idea man.

I am surpose to show the "Before N' After" picture.. but ah .... Only the 'After' should be enough lah....

Ladies and Gentlement, here are the shit being removed from my room. You really have not idea how much effort i put to have all this shit taken out from my room. Also the bed and computer boxes and camera boxes with were not shown here.

Ok, here is the 'tidy' version of AhTak's room. No differences ???

1 Comment:

  1. AhTak said...
    Thanks for the... praise ~ hehehe

    From now on, I promise myself to take more good pictures !!! GamBaTe Neh !!!

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