Mrs Lemon

One of the ingredients for Ah Lei's Lemon-Flovored Cheese Cake.

Lemons are widely seen in the production of perfume or air-conditioner, because of the scent of it.
Also dunno from where some guy some how invented a kind of drink called Lemon Tea, mostly served cold, Iced Lemon Tea or Lemon Teh Ping in Sabah. Dun try to order Lemon Teh Ping in KLs' mamak. No such thing one. They have only Teh O Ice Limau which is 2 total different thing.


  1. Levonne said...
    the lemon looks yummy
    AhTak said...
    for the Lemon Cheese Cake ~~
    Anonymous said...
    the banana looks good~
    From: zero5phh

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