Now only I understand why every girl or woman always freezed up when they saw wedding dresses on display over Bridal Shops.

The most beautiful moment for a woman is either when they are in a wedding dress or when they have the first child, that's from what I seen.The happiness naturally spreadout from the couple to everyone around. That's after I attended Yeng's wedding last week and understanded that wedding is not just a ceremony. I can see that everyone was so happy to know that she's in love and will be pampered for life.

Guys, if you have a girl friend. Try to look at her and imagine her in a snow-white wedding dress. You know you love her and will protect her, you know she's the one.
Go get a ring.
The bigger the diamond the better, right girls ?

Good Luck and may the God of Love bless every one who believes in love.


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