I Want To Jam !!!

Yeah... This is a Yamaha 6 strings Bass Guitar, with a active Pick-Up.
The sound come out from this guy can be Kick-ass super Bass,
or really warm bass sound. One of the favorite bass guitar.

This guy been to lots of places with me.
Most of the time me and him will stay at Steve's shop and practice.
Sometimes I will bring it home to jam with Rainer and the band.
Once jammed in Palm Square KK, Sabah,
once SugarBun KK, Sabah.
Countless times in Steve's shop and band rooms.

It all started with a guy call Steve.

Teach me what is bass ...........

The story continues ...........


  1. Anonymous said...
    Dear Ah Tak,
    well.. u call back my memory when we r in bidax. haha~

    From:zero5phh (i'm no.881) will come back on no.888 hahah!)
    AhTak said...
    Damn !!! I am getting the 888 !!!

    Great memories with bidax, and i am wondering where are the pictures ????
    Anonymous said...
    dear ah tak,
    check ur hotmail acc. send already~

    From: zero5phh
    AhTak said...
    cool ~~~ thanks bro !~
    Rainer Yong said...
    yaey! my name is on this blog! haha miss jamming at steve's shop lah. we could do anything we want at the back of his shop. i mean musically lah, dont have any gay thoughts there...
    AhTak said...
    haha ~~~ Yeah man... anything... Makan lah, tidur lah, minum lah ~~ Would be perfect if we can smoke there man ~~~
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

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