I thought I lost everything when I lost my PowerBook few months back.

Last night I was re-arranging my CDs and found out that I have a back-up copy of the photos I store in my old PowerBook.WHAT ??? BACK-UPs ??? All the pictures are still THERE, IN THE CD !!! WHAT? ??

YEAH !!!!

HAHAHA ~~~ Without wasting time, I copy all the pictures back to my iPhoto.yeah! ~~~ Everything is still there !!! hahaha !!! So happy !!! Yeah Yeah ~~

Ok.... Photo below is one that maybe the one which inspire me to buy D70.

This was taken in kudat, where i had a great trip with Steve, Ah Fook and others somewhere around Year2002, I think.
These pictures were great teacher to me, other than just great memories. Obviously big big ultra super khau khau to the max difference with the pictures I shoot now.

Sony P2 was the camera that I take along with me where i almost travel thru the whole Sabah and some part of KL. Wasn't a great camera to own, but It did his job very well, recorded all the sweet memories that I am not sure they will ever occurs again in my life.



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