Found this one in my 60GB HardDrive this morning.

Picture taken by Ah Jel somewhere 2 months ago when we were attending Ah Kin's birthday.
When the guys look at the sign board straight away they turn to me and laugh. Why ? I lost my Laptop Bag a month before that.
Contents in the Bag:
1. 15" PowerBook SuperDrive
2. iPod mini Blue
3. 40GB External 2.5" HardDrive
4. All the pictures I have
5. All the songs
6. All the movie
7. My memory
8. My Love.
9. And my work.....

Here I want to make something very clear. It's the first time ever in my life that i leave my laptop in a car, and i lost my laptop. So viewers, make sure you take everything out from the car when you are not in it, no matter it's a 1KG laptop or 10KG laptop. Just make sure no Laptop are alone in the car, MAKE SURE !

PS: Yo thieve, please be extra careful on the road and while you are eating. Knock by a car or chocked by tau fu can be serious injury, and might cause death. The God is watching.


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