Today i ....

Finally bought myself an Insurance, well haven't make the payment yet lah. So According to the Guy, Rainer Yong ( kaki band, kaki minum back in KK last time), i am hell not insured yet till i make the first payment. RM200 for the first month since that i don't need to pay for the second month, then continue on the third month....

Well, I think i had alot of 'Insurance Salesman' approached me. But why i didnt get my insurance from them and get it from Rainer ?... I think because he is Flash in his presentation..... And i guess 90% of the 'Insurance Salesman' still using PowerPoint or something ??? Update lah .....

Also what make me feels good along the conversation is that he didn't tell me what is the payment like .... what will i get back ... or stuff like that. I can see the confidence and trust from him. So i signed.. Damn ...

What really make me buy is that when it comes to the end of the presentation. He straight away take out the form, start asking my name and my parents name, ask me if i got any illness...... then

Rainer:" Please sign here if you are ok with the borang.... "

I mean .... I dun even have time to think if this is good for me .. This is a good one ! Dont let the customers to have time to think if they are buying the product or not, just make sure he feels like buying it. Done !!!

But insurance won't be wrong right ? Least my parents will get some money if i am dead, or limbs kena chop ( Rainer says at least 2 limbs choped then get money, 1 choped cannot).....


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