Selamat Hari Merdeka ?!?!

-_- ...... Still blur lah, last night reach home around 3:++AM ... Aduhai, have to work 10 to 10 today somemore. Don't want to get stucked in KL or Bangsa or Hartamas or where ever there will be trafiic jam or people jam. So we decide to go Bay Watch, Dataran Prima. Well, at least it's near to everyone's house.

RM270 for a bottle of Chiva, and there are 6 of us. RM270/6=RM45 each, cheap what!~ The bottle of alcohol last for a couple of hours. And don know what's wrong with stupid Sen Wah and Ah Jel, keep on filling up our cups with acohol.
But still ...... Human are greedy, will never have enough for anything.


Guys are having fun, and the left over woman got nothing to do. So she start giving us riddles... stupid riddles

Here goes:
One day, 小明 went to the kedai runcit over the other side of the river to buy something for his mom. RIght after he crossed the river, a river flood come from dunno where crushed the bridge. So what do you think 小明 should buy from the kedai runcit, in order to cross the river and go home?

Answer is: Milo !!! O_o !!!! Why ??? Since.... 'Minum milo anda jadi Sihat Dan Kuat', also ' We Can swim like Dolphin!' .... This woman is genius.....

And more stupid riddles goes on and go on and go on and go on.......................


these guys can really play snooker....

And For the first time in my life... i Played this last night !!! ..... FUN !!! We simulate all the FootBall star's move and tactics ! hahaha...

Result, Team Sen Wah& Tak lost to Team Jel&Edward, cause they


  1. Anonymous said...
    That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »
    Anonymous said...

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