
Blured, bored, uncertain, unfamiliar. Well, dunno what's in my mind recently. Feel so blurry.

Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl.

Whatthefuckiswrongwiththisthingla. Today really 黑仔......

C: customer M=me

C: Hello, can I speak to xxx.
M: Sorry, he is enganged with other customer, would you like to call back in 5mins?
C: Nvm, I just want made a order.
C: A 17" PowerBook.

( happy to serve this 死雞lah ofcoz,hahahahah)
M: Sure, no problem
C: Ok, I will give you my credit card number now, you do the order for me.
M: Sorry sir, I have to swipe your card thru the Credit Machine for transaction. ( after confirmation with Manager)

( kind of annonyed and this time, but still sounds happy)
C: But I am not staying near you place, I can only give you my number and you swipe it.
M: Sorry sir, I have to swipe your card thru the Credit Machine for transaction. ( after confirmation with Manager again)
C: So you are saying that you dun want my bussiness???!!!
M: No sir, but I have to swipe your card thru the Credit Machine for transaction. ( after confirmation with Manager again)
C: So you are saying that you dun want my bussiness???!!!
M: No sir, but I have to swipe your card thru the Credit Machine for transaction. ( after confirmation with Manager again)

....... this continue for a few more repeated sentences, I malas want to type lah.....

C: So you are saying that you dun want my bussiness???!!! ( aren't you tired Sir??? )
M: No sir, but I have to swipe your card thru the Credit Machine for transaction.
C: Ok fine, if you don't want my bussines , I will have to get it from Singapore.
M: No sir, is that the credit card machine need you to swipe on it.
C: Ok fine, if you don't want my bussines , I will have to get it from Singapore.
M: No sir, I would love you to have a bussiness with you, is just my credit card need you to swipe on it.
C: Still you are telling me you dun want my bussiness, I am spending RM12000 here.
M: I would love to deal the bussiness with you sir, just that the credit card machine need swipping.
C: Well i think I will have to buy in Singapore.

And finally had enough....
M: Ok that's fine to me.
M: Thank you and bye. ( What lah ??, thank him for making me look like and idiot and kena diao? )

After less than 5 mins, he ( the gentlement on the phone) made a complain to Apple, me and my colleague kena diao for that, and thanks Ah Kheng, for not listening properly over the phone).

But this gentlement is coming to pick up the machine tonight a 7PM, paying with Credit Card. WHAT THE F*CK ???!!!!. Argue with him over the phone for 5 mins and kena diao somemore. NOW, he is coming to get the powerbook with CREDIT CARD.


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