仙家la ....

Today just served a customer using a O2 Mini and iBook, and he is wondering got can he connect the two. Cause alot of people say that PocketPC don't talk to Mac... DDuuuuuHH.... Ask if you don't know, Don't simply give comments.

Sometimes really malas want to layan this kind of people lah, never touch a Mac or even know is a Mac, but can give every "Professional Comments"...... :" Aiyo, cannot lah, Mac cannot talk to Windows lah, alot of software cannot use lah..." But when you ask them what software you can't use on a Mac they will :"aaahh......got lah, my friends tell me." And he is telling the samething to my customers. Damn. 仙家.

But anyway.... here is the stuffs you need make things work.


1. An Apple Computer.
2. A BlueTooth Dongle ( if you hate cables, I tested the MSI BlueToe)
3. A PoketPC (I tested some HP, O2 XDA, and now MiNI)
4. PoketMac PRO (If you are using Tiger, you need to do an update here
5. Some patient installing for the first time.


1. Install the PocketMac Pro to Your Mac.(will ask some stupid question, don't panic, the computer can't be smarter than you)
2. After Installation, do the update. ( Ingredients NO.2 )
3. Then you'll have to connect your PocketPC to your Mac using the USB cable.
( which comes with the PocketPC, and that cable is just a normal Cemera USB cable )
4. Add your PocketPC into you PocketMac Pro Device List.
5. Start Syncing your devices.

*Bonus for users with BlueTooth.
6. Turn on your BlueTooth, pair the device. (you know to do this, ultra simple)
7. After that you open up the ActiveSync in your PocketPC, is in your Application
8. Click on "Connect" (somewhere at the left bottom of the screen), select 'Connect via BlueTooth'.
9. Start syncing, and wait.
10. Done.

Wasn't that easy ???


  1. Anonymous said...
    Ohhhh..my great apologies...the person you mentioned here sounds like me..but i didnt get an ibook from you at that time yet. *feeling so shy/embarrassed* now...hehe. So now that i have gotten myself an ibook..i will go get the software to sync my mini O2 with it. Soli-lar..be patient with me ya...cos i have lots to learn about this kinda thing..hehe
    AhTak said...
    Nah ~~ no problem ~ won't be much troble anyway ~

    Would be glad if you can come over and have some shit-chat ~

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