Was a conversation between 'them' .....

G=the girl
B=the boy

G: I got problem lah ....... Dunno which one to choose....
then the girl start telling the boy what's going on ...

B:Ok, think of it this way. Someone offer you to have a meal in TGI Friday, but that is have to wait till tomolo. But for the mean while there is a 雲吞面 infront of you, ready to eat anytime. Which one you will choose?
The thing is, the Fridays' might look so nice, but if why if it's not to your taste ? End up you 'missed' the 雲吞面 and didn't have a chance to eat Fridays' since after tasting and you dun even like it!

This is the option you will have to consider.

G: Then Know which to choose........
B: Don't take my opinion as final lah, just referrence mah.
G: You know what? You are actually the 'Fridays' .....


Credit goes to Viinie for being the model in my blog, and dun even know ! hahahaha.
And the girl in the story is not her OK? Nothing is wrong between Vinnie and AhTak !


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