I suggest ...

NewsPapers reading in any shop in any shopping center. Hence there's no better place to be. The kids dun want Recreation Parks for fresh air, they dun want to see animals in the zoo, they dun even want to know what fishes are the in Aquaria ... Get the kids some Ice-Cream to shut them up, and enjoy the NewsPapers in Air-Con, lovely ...

Or .....

Bring your GF who knows nuts about computer to a Mac Shop, show her all the computers and tell her what's listed on the broucher, impress her by telling her what is the different between CPU and RAM, DVD and CD. I guarantee she will love you gau gau coz you know SO MUCH about computer( You don't need to know actually, there's brouchers everywhere to take and salesman to help, even if you are not buying ). Don't worry if your GF want to buy one, just tell her Mac is different and no one in the World know how to use it, it only looks good and actually over priced, then you're safe, at least you're wallet is saved.


  1. Nine3 Nine3 said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Nine3 Nine3 said...
    Mac Shop I also kenot
    I will take GF to Condom shop, impress her and suggest what flavor good.Normally cute girl like strewberry flavor and the wild one love durian flavor :)
    King's wife said...
    LOL @9393's comment!

    So free ah? take pictures in the shop? No blogger come visit you meh?
    AhTak said...
    Durian flavor ??? You sure mou ?? Must be the Malaysian-Limited-Version ... AngMoh use sure die ~ hehehe

    No time to layan any friendsler, have to help the customers kill some time and help the leng zais to impress their girlfriends .. :(
    Anonymous said...
    aiya, ahtak... we were there about 8-ish, wanted to say hello but I think you went to yumcha to get away from all those customers... hehe! nevermind, next time, next time...
    Unknown said...
    too free so u shoot customer and blog it ar wei ?
    ai yu yur ....
    Cocka Doodle said...
    That guy who was trying to impress his girlfren also looked damn 9 moong cha cha. LOL
    AhTak said...
    Aiyer ... nvm nvm .. next time ~ hehehehe

    Yaler .... what to do ? Got to stay in the shop and 'entertain' them .. sienz

    No ler ... he know everything one ah ~ can tell from his GF's damm 9 LAM face ~ HAHAHAHAHAHA

    If you behave yourself by not running here and there and spilt Ice-Cream on the Display units ... yes !!!

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