
Well, so many events to join and so many pictures to take ~ Had fun ler ~ While letting everyone wait for me to edit the pictures I took last night in King'sWife punya house(might take a while), I'll share this ... LOMO of the week ~

And this to answer Titoki that have no idea what the hell is LOMO ....Or ... LOMO pictures are basically "Technically All Wrong Pictures". No focusing at all, color all out, strange composition and so on... But LOMO pictures are considered very the feel kind of pictures. THe constrast will normally be damm the high and super saturated colors ~ OOhh.... LOMO


  1. King's wife said...
    Haha.."technically wrong pictures". Good description. Now I know. But still nice wor...
    titoki said...
    LOL. After asking you for the ninth time, you finally gave me the answer. ;)
    Anonymous said...
    very the feel, very the zheng ah!!
    Anonymous said...
    errrr.....photo li kah yeh....me know nuts la..
    Anonymous said...

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