The pictures was taken on the spot where I'll have to pass by at least 2 times every morning. The first pictures taken around 6:15AM, that's after sending my gf to work then have my breakfast some mamak nearby. The second picture was taken at the very same spot but after my breakfast and that's around 7:45 then proceed to office...

Just merely 2 hours and there's such a big change already. From dawn to clear blue sky, from good night sleep to lovely morning...


  1. +wennie said...
    haiyo... apasal wake up so early?

    6.15 am or 7.45 am, ngor jung fan gan gao ah... 9 sth baru wake up. haih.

    *geng sai meng*
    Anonymous said...
    nice hor? nice hor? I love the change of scenes from day to night, night to day as well...
    Anonymous said...
    hey...i work there i know how this place looks like at 6.15am and 7.45am...been working here for 4yrs never really got time to look around that place...cos every morning rushing like mad woman before the traffic starts to build up...
    AhTak said...
    That's what I enjoy seeing every morning. Early morning before the birds wake up, a nice hot coffee and looking at the sky from dark to blue, from blue to white.... Zheng Ah !!!!
    AhTak said...
    when got time/chance let's go breakfast or lunch together ~ More people more fun for lunch ~

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