So how ? Sleep ah ?

Miss playing guitar so much ...

So how's your plan for the weekend ? sleep ah ? Aiyer, call somemore and go have fun lah !!! How can sleep at home everyday one ? If want sleep, sleep at someone's bed ok ?~ heheheh. Tonight gonna meet up +Wennie and Titoki for a Yam Cha session, and I wonder how much fun we are gonna have... And tomolo and Sunday I wont be around, go somewhere to visit and take pictures ~ hehehe. Gonna miss you all.


  1. Anonymous said...
    That is acoustic guitar's bridge!!!
    国源 said...
    Haha..ask ur fren out to play together lar! If miss guitar then jz play lar,haha!!
    Winn said...
    wah the jap words mean wat wor? seen it been there?
    King's wife said...
    aiyer, sleep ( and eat )lah. Weekend mah...
    +wennie said...
    lou sai... ngor dui nei dei mm ju...

    ngor ji chor gah lah. T^T next round i punya.
    AhTak said...
    Yeah ... my friend's Epiphone with an pickup ~ and rusted strings !~ hahahaha

    Haih.... everyone so busy with so many things ..... even me also busy .... you busy ?

    I think so gua ..... dunno wow ... I use Googgle Translate to translate "seen it, been there" and it come out that ~

    Aiyer .. sianz ler liddat ~ Wanted to attend the the gathering that Angel organized in weekend one, but end up somewhere alot futher ~ hehehehe. Blog about it later ...

    haih .... sianz 9 jor ler ..... 10 bui Starbucks lah ~ hai yatt yan 10 bui ~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHa

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