Supose to be on diet one mah ... but foods are too good to resist ... when I see all the cheese and the meat .... Beh tahan le, got to eat them up coz they lanC me, " Come ler, eat me ler ~~~ On diet meh ? No need diet lah ~~~ Just eat me lah ~~~ You dare one lah".....
Was on Friday ler .... First meal of the day would be in Baker @ Time Square. Just lite meal before go lunch winth another friend in LowYat....
See the contents inside the sandwiche mou ??? very nice ler ~~ Abit expensive if compared to BreadStory of ColdStorage... But look at the ingredients ler ~ Good good cheese, 'REAL' ham and fresh vege ( too bad i dun eat vege). And RM3.99 for 1 set of that I think it's worth it...
Then meet up with friends in LowYat to go for lunch... but ended up makan sandwich also, coz the Breakfast not digested yet .. hehehehe. In Tung Lo Wan where I ordered the 餐蛋治 ( Lunchan Meat + Egg + Cheese ) hhhmm.... Classic and the best way to eay Gardenia Bread... I visit this shop everytime time I go LowYat. Just love the way they cook the food in a very original chinese way, not like some other HK wannabe KopiTim, so know which i am talking about .... WanTan Mee that use Spagetti, really cannot make it ...... I rather go mamak.
And the later evening .... Deng Deng Deng Deng ...... Zheng ah !!!! LB, King'sWife, Poison, Cock-A-Doodle, Angel , Jomel and LittleAhMay )... All nice poeple and with alot of joy and laughters to share with .... The jokes that night almost endless, my mouth laugh untill numb ...
Meeting these guys are really fun but ... not good for people who are on diet , serious .....Had a great looking bar there .... too bad no chance to had any drink there that night. But I guess it would be very the Yau Yeng if sit there alone drink Beer .... Very Good Feel, very Yao Yeng ....
Orange Juice. Standard when you come to restaurant but no idea what to order. No.1 in " Girls Top Picked for Drink" according official "Girls Top Picked for Drink 2006" research.
AhTak had tea .... Jasmine DragonBall ... RM7 for "Refill Till You Die". Taste good for the first and second cup, taste nothiing after 5 times of refill. REFILL: Pour more hot water to the tea pot, more the refill taste more worse.
Forgot the name ler .... Some small pizza cut and topped with vege and some sauce. Taste very the good dipped with the cream/sauce that served together, got green and white color one for different flavour. I dun like the green one, maybe it just look too much like vege.... Green.... I dun like....
AhMay's Duck ... cook with some sauce and some herbs ... I guess ... HAHAHAHHAH... FOrgot mah ... so many GOOD food around, just makan lah ~ hehehe.... May:" Want try mou ? Very good ler ~ Test test lah ~" AhTak:" Cannot ler ~ Tak where can eat Duck ?~" EveryOne:" HAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!"
King'sWife punya Salmon. All the way from Narway cut and cook and served for perfection with .... some olive oil and vege I think, King'sWife dun want let me try, so I dunno....
This one my dish ... White Cream something something Pasta with MeatBalls and Bacon. Now only I know you can have alot more choices to makan pasta other than Spagetti .... I really dunno mah, so tried the Langerie??? Forgot the name...... But taste really the good ler ~~really the good .... LB dun even want to look at it, saying:" Come Italy, I treat you Original ones.. " Which is true lah, takan we go Japan visit and still want to eat Nasi Lemak or Hainamese Chicken Rice, right ?
Jomel punya... What's it called ah ? Forgot... I know they have this is all/any Italian Restaurant, even Starbucks also have. But the way they serve very the cute ler ~ Like a Smiling face liddat ~
Huge drumstick for Angel. Didnt try ler, coz AhTak just met Angle for the first time mah .... malu want to minta test .. hehehehe. But accroding to Poison and Jomel, the chicken taste very the good, See the tag there ? It says:" Full refund Guaratee" .... very the confiden....
Pork Knuckle is LB's order... We all think it should be stew, we all think lah ... LB says it's really good, getting really close to Italia punya. I love the crispy bits ler, almost like chinese Siu Yoke... Damm Zheng...
After the food me all cam-whore abit ler, but ofcoz me photographer, cannot cam-whore.. hehehe.. then all the girls go "AAahhhh ~~~~" WWWwwaahhhh ~~~~~" " HooooooooUUUU Leng ah ~~~~~" hahahaha.... all night long....
Then after some arranging + discussing + driving, we were in Starbucks@The Curve waiting for the RedBox which we've reserved a room ....ngek ngek ngek ... Singing wo.... Zheng lah ~~~hehehe. Italian lah, Engrish lah, Malay lah, Cina lah,Oldies lah, Goodies lah, Rock and R'n'B all come out ... very the Geng... Trust me Poison can really sing, also Cock-a-Doodle also, I thought we have Pavaroti in da house tim ... Zheng AH !!!
note: Some technical problem
No pictures were taken at all time in The Curve ...
Labels: EatOut
Heh heh... chup first!
The spaghetti is linguini lar... :P
Jomel punya is lasagna (laksa nia).
Mine was not drumstick ler... it's pork ribs... aik, u din test?? I thot u took when I pass around the plate? No ah? Ok ok, nvm, nxt time hor?
Ei, u also can masuk Astro Talent Quest leh... ;)
And next time hor, please please sing more. Very laam....
wait a min, why your 'all the nice people' no include me geh? :( :( :(
Why no JoMel geh??? No zheng! No zheng! Boohoooohooo
food is good! hahaha...
Drumstick meh ???? Din try ler ~ And it really look like drumstick to me in the picture .... next time ..... next time I will test test .... hehehe
King's Wife:
It's ok ler .... I dun like to makan Fish also... Norway Salmon and Ikan Kampung will taste the same to me anyway .. heheheh
Yes Yes ~~~ we wait for carcar to come and Sing sing more ~~ And this time we do booking online !~~~
Feel bad ler, Tak eating Duck... But I like wating Duck alot .. hahhahahaha. Promised, next time I sit far far away opposite you ~~ And leng lui picture for you ~ hehehe
lil' Joy:
Soli Soli ..... too many things to do and remember at 1 time ler .... my fault .... my fault .... soli soli ......
Now ..... cant wait for the next outing already... heheheheh. but have lost abit weight first .... Foods are too good to resist.... cannot tahan lah, must makan... must makan .... maybe i should just forget about diet .. HAHAHAHAHA.
Got Superstar meh ? I just heard a cow singing Chinese songs and *croak croak* ... Lari tune ~ hahahahaha
Beh tahan ler .... all the food making me really fei hai already ler ~~ but ... too good ler ~ cannot dun eat ~ hahah
Yes... all the food are fantastic ~~ but .. when are you coming KL ? Me kind of cant wait already ler ~ Faiii Diit ~~~
Aiyo.... I off Friday ler ~~~ maybe next Friday ? We go out modeling shooting, some nice pictures for you perhaps ?~ hehehe
From now on, you are not to leave home without your 'kick-ass'
canggih camera. LOL
Yeah ~~~~ more than happy as the Official Photographer ~ !!!! hehehehe, no worry, my camera anytime ready ~~~ hehehe
Sure mou ah ?~~~~~we'll try our best to make you miss us as much as possible when you go back Italy ~ HAHAHAHAHA~ faiii Diiitt ~~~~ the next meet up !!!
btw... I came here via may's.
GOt mah ~ I got the SomethingPasta with MeatBalls and bacon ~~~ just .... they all didnt let me try .... only LB and AhMay let me try ..... :(
Welcome ~~ And Thanks to AhMay ~~~~ I go to your place thru AhMay also ~ hehe