Yeah, it's about Mac again... You all know I am a Mac Freak what. Well, recently Apple have released some ads on thier site to promote "Switch", which is the conversion of Windows Users to Mac, and AhTak was a "switcher" too.. completely swithed that hopefully I don't need to touch any PC anymore...Yaks...

And here are the Ads.. ( Please Click on the Pictures to view video )

Windows are sick here, attacked by 1 of the 114000 virus found last year designed FOR Windows... Not for Mac ..

Yah yah... Windows does restarts, but dont tell me Macs doe................. and the PC Hang. HAHAHAH, this one really stupid ~

Windows and Macs can talk thru standard network...but Mac does better "talking" with Peripherals compare to PC...

PC or Mac ??? Who is better ? I dunno man... depends on what you expect from your computer...

Still using the ACDsee or "Folders" to arrange your Family pictures ? Or still stuck with Winamp that cant rip CDs and cant burn Audio CDs ? Windows user can never understand now easy and lovely iLife are. iPhoto, iTunes, Garage band ~~ No idea what I am talking about ? No worry, keep on rolling with ACDsee and Winamps ~ Just slower mah, no big deal what ~ hahahaha

Reviewed and name the best from the Most Popular Magazine, and Windows...... Anyone said "good" or " Awesome" on Windows ? Tell me bout it....

Well, not hard feeling, at the end of the day, you are the one who are paying for what you want/get... Live with it loh.... Mac is definitely not the best computer in the world, they are just better and easier to use than others... heheheh


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