The Maid ...

I think it's abit to late for this ( first show in May 2005,and I watched last night ) but still worth promote abit for the movie. If you havent watch, go borrow from friend, if friend dun have, buy DVD and watch together.

The movie is about a Filipino maid (Rosa) working for an old couple who have a mentally distorted son. Not really frightening to me, no International SuperStar in the movie, no super leng lui, and no hardcore special effect. But I was watching the movie from another point of view. Great camera angle, fantastic story line and the color theme of the movie is splendid.

Rosa the filipino maid went Singapore to look for hope, she thought of earning some money and send back to her brother who is badly illed. She work for a chinese family who was members of a very wellknow chinese opera. When she reached Singapore it was the Chinese Seventh-month, where the Hell Gate will be opened for a month, for those who seek for revenge to come back.....

The movies is not just another horror movie. Not just freak you out with some ugly looking ghost or unexpected sound coming from unexpected timeline, no no no... An almost 90 mins movie which tell the fear and tears of a filipino maid working in singapore, which tells some chinese tradition, and a big secret... and ofcoz the ghosts...

The last thing she said in movie...

" I come to see the world, and I've seen the ugliest thing in human nature "


  1. Anonymous said...
    u mean the maid tht wan to earn money is the ghost?
    haha...its a bit like the movie"The Others",stars by Nicole Kidman...This kind of movie is nice,caz unexpected!!
    AhTak said...

    no... the maid is not the ghost ..... someone else. "The Others" I wateched already long time ago ler, really nice movie ~!!! And Nicole Kidman...Zheng Ah !!!
    ***cinDee*** said...
    this movie is kinda spooky
    i cant sleep that night :)
    all the apek ama acho..sitting on the first row and second row during the movie haunts me :)
    AhTak said...
    ***cindee*** :

    Agree with you... Not only for Singapore ler, is for all chinese people. Actually the in the Seventh-Month and most of the Chinese Opera will have the first show be dedicated to "them", which you'll see Chinese Opera Performing with all the seat were empty, but actually occupied.... scarry.....

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