Some cars first...

Yo ~~~ Finally ~~~ Finished editing "some" pictures of cars... yes yes, I know cars are boring but i need more time for the girls pictures, coz alot mah, take time...

Actually hor, I think those guys who go car show falls into 2 category, is either to go see cars or go see girls. And most are to go see girls...Why ? Girls more than cars there mah. Most of the cars displayed can be seen on the road also, so why pay and jammed to see cars which can be seen on roads ? See GIRLS alh ofcoz !

Lotus.../Proton .... Heard some Ang Moh said:" These people are confusing, Lotus and Proton makes car together... so the car belong to Lotus or Proton ?"... I dun know ler brudder...

Suzuki Swift... Yeah, 1 of my fav car. Small , looks cool, and over-priced ! hehehe

This is the ones that most fit to my budget and ... somehow I sure look alot better than Kacil/Kelisa... dun you think so ? now VVTi engine somemore.... it's time to save money already....

Some.... Car deco painting/sticker.....

Mitsubishi, RallyArt.. convenient store ? Got Pens, Pencils, Posters...

Evo .... Sedapnye.....


Missed some pictures this morning...

Gen2 punya engine....

some Demo of Bridgestone's tires ...

Toyota's Concept car.. Running on Electric+Fuel one.. Damm futuristic looking...

Ford's Concept car... Which I dun think anyone will take it to camps ler, looks too good to have muds sticking on it.

Mercedes punya both.. With some new models displayed and some Models doing catwalk... Which is kind of boring also...

PS: Today damm no mood... May not be doing any photo editing and any updating on my blog.... damm no mood...damm tension....damm presure...damm fucked up....


  1. Anonymous said...
    hahaha..wat's tht..the world worst car's engine?hehe..but all the pictures is really nice man..lets waiting for the Girls 1...!!

    AhTak said...

    CamPro Wow ~~~ Pro ~~~ Must be good lah ~ hahahahaha.

    Just a few more pictures to edit. After will resize, Flickr, then blog.... wait ah ... just another bit...

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