Keep Fit ? Need Fit ...

Happy Happy Happy !!!!! Received this pair of baby as a gift for a very special occasion ... You want to know ? But I dun want to tell .. hehehehehehe. Just very very the special occasion with a very special person, my GF ... WoW Wow ~~ Happy Happy ~~~

Thanks to it, it reminds me that I am fat now ...

Thanks to it, I realised I cant run as fast before...

Thanks to it, I start to feel my tummy is getting bigger...

Thanks to it, I know I need 'Sports' badly ...

Now I am slowly picking up jogging, ateast an excersice to slow down the fattening effect on my tummy and to keep my stamina and health. Sitting all day in the office and do nothing at home make AhTak dull and sleepy all the time, that's not good.

Years ago I can say it out so pround :"Nevermind lah, no matter how I eat also I won't get fat one lah, got sport mah" Which is a fact.
:: Secondary school I play basketball fram 1:30PM till 6PM, then second session around 8PM till 10PM. My studies ? Who cares .... HAHAHAHHAHAHA.
:: Then when I go college with more work and less time, I go swinning. Starting at 500M every evening till 3000M non stop everyday ... And basketball everyweekends.
:: Now. Sitting in the office from 8AM to 530PM everyday and continue sitting/rest at home till I go to sleep ... how sad..

Now that I have the perfect shoes for jogging, I'm doing it everymorning since Monday till this morning I stopped. Why ? Becoz I so long time no sport already and forgotten the importance of Warm Up and Stretching, and I hurt my muscle, damm. Wei, not excuse lah, I really hurt myself mah, old man already sure liddat lah... I promise to continue tomolo morning okay ?


  1. c a r c a r said...
    run ah ak run!!~

    3km? no!! 1 km?!!! run!!

    rainbow angeles said...
    Keep it up! Don't give up!
    +wennie said...
    aiyo~ gum sweet ah~

    yan ju hoi shum dak jai gai juk sik, joi fei doh gei goh kg.

    p/s: jao lei oi guo nin joh. fei doh liong gan ho yi mai doh dit chin ah. ga yao!
    Anonymous said...
    Tuapui tak uc an do it....i think i'll end up like you when i start working in future...lolx...anyway nice blogs with really cool pics you got there......
    seefei said...
    yau kum macro yau yau depth of field! tim yeng ge?

    *so macro & so much depth of field! how you take this photo hah?*

    btw, jogging is bad for the knees. walking is better!
    AhTak said...
    Eh ... now sakit kaki. And tomolo basketball ... Maybe continue on Monday ...... RUN !!!!!!

    Try to leh.... Very sianz one ler jogging, even got iPod nano also sianz ... But everytime look at my tummy terus no more sianz ..
    RUN !!!!!

    Diu nei a ~ Joi fei dor gei KG sei dak lah ~ Yi gah dou seng gor sei fei zhai gam geh fuunn...

    Thanks for coming ~ eeh... Just make sure you don't eat too much and sit too much and sleep to much like me, you'll be fine ....

    This picture I use 50mm , f2.0, 1/60 with SB600 bounce to ceiling....

    Jogging bad for knee meh ? THat I dunno ler ~!!! Coz I thought swimming and jogging are the best and easiet and cheap ways to keep fit mah ... hhm... then maybe i should play back basketball or badminton ...
    seefei said...
    thank you for the info. aperture 2.0 damn big cahaya lubang!! no wonder dof so shallow!!
    AhTak said...
    I like the shallow DOF and hte supreme sharpness of the lens ler, somemore it's only RM380.. SUPER VALUE BUY ler ~
    Unknown said...
    Tak...come join us in CF gym, can run on the threadmill as much as you want...pump irons as heavy as you lenglui do Coyote dance for you after a hard day working out!
    AhTak said...
    eh, you sure got leng lui or not ? else I might fall asleep on the threadmill, hehehehe.

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