Emotion Break Down

If you guys have noticed the ' Visitors Counters ', there's been fewer readers coming over here already, I wonder.

Is that my entries quality drop ?

Am I not been funny lately ?

No nice pictures to see ? ( Never been actually )

Less frequent update, hence nothing to read ?

Or, .... I dont know ...

Have been busy with dunno what lately. No going out taking pictures. No going out YamCha with friends. Not exploring eat-places. No Happenings to share with you all. No nothing .. I've been really wondering what's going on, anything wrong after changing job/lifestyle ? Or I am not as adaptive anymore. Maybe just simple fact that I am getting older and less passion on everything. I just want to watch a few nice movie from my collection or perhaps more YamCha sessions with my friends ...Let me think, I have something on my mind now and want to write it out and share with you all, when I have time and the mood to do so.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I am still reading!
    sengkor said...
    i got read everytime one.. lazy ass to comment saja ;)
    Anonymous said...
    Oi! landlady complain you left the tap running again. You did that to take this picture ah?
    Anonymous said...
    why so emo lah?
    rainbow angeles said...
    *stands beside sengkor, head facing down*

    Life is short! Don't think too much!
    Anonymous said...
    See? Got sohai ask you to buy Valium summore. Where got no ppl read your blog wor?
    Plenty of sales ppl. Muahahahaha!!!
    seefei said...
    readership is a by product. more impt you must enjoy blogging, and dont be affected by the reader counter.

    hei, can give some info on your shot here or not? took some koi pic yesterday but cant get the quality of the one you took at 1-utama?
    King's wife said...
    it's ok to slow down. Maybe different priorities and perspective now...

    Man-man lei, ok?
    Anonymous said...
    I always visit here wor... anyway, I never care of my blog's traffic, just treat it as something to burn ur time lor.
    AhTak said...
    Thanks for still reading ~ But no time to find you breakfast in Ikea ler ~ miss that ~ hehehehe

    Wei ! Accodring to some very reliable information, you got jogging one wow ~ when and where ??? I want join ~ hehehehe

    No lah ~ The tap I use for portrait with Jacq ler ~ This one from Melaka ~ hehehehehehe

    Hmm ..... dunno ler. Sometimes I think that I am a woman ler. So sensitive, so jealous, so fatt pei hei, so cut lane without signal .... ooppss... I just want to say... Dunno ler, I just feel that something is not really right somewhere deep inside me. I need sometime and ways to find out ..

    Life is short.... Work Hard, Play Hard... untill now sakit kaki .. :(

    My initial intension to set a blog up. To explore and see, to capture and share.. Maybe I just hae too much pressure... Hey, your photography imporved alot ! Great Work !!!
    No problem about the information, just ask me what you want to know, I will try my best to help ~

    Everything looks so unfalimiar and uncertain ... hopefully time will show me what is right and what is wrong...

    Burn time and hopefully meet up some friends around ?~ ;P
    AhTak said...
    Thanks for still reading ~ But no time to find you breakfast in Ikea ler ~ miss that ~ hehehehe

    Wei ! Accodring to some very reliable information, you got jogging one wow ~ when and where ??? I want join ~ hehehehe

    No lah ~ The tap I use for portrait with Jacq ler ~ This one from Melaka ~ hehehehehehe

    Hmm ..... dunno ler. Sometimes I think that I am a woman ler. So sensitive, so jealous, so fatt pei hei, so cut lane without signal .... ooppss... I just want to say... Dunno ler, I just feel that something is not really right somewhere deep inside me. I need sometime and ways to find out ..

    Life is short.... Work Hard, Play Hard... untill now sakit kaki .. :(

    My initial intension to set a blog up. To explore and see, to capture and share.. Maybe I just hae too much pressure... Hey, your photography imporved alot ! Great Work !!!
    No problem about the information, just ask me what you want to know, I will try my best to help ~

    Everything looks so unfalimiar and uncertain ... hopefully time will show me what is right and what is wrong...

    Burn time and hopefully meet up some friends around ?~ ;P

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