DumDum...I want GumGum

3 movies for last week and now I am officially, broke...

Curse of the Golden Flower:滿城盡帶黃金甲
Picture from somewhere on the internet

We watch this because Jacq has got 2 free movie tickets. She watch because it's free and got Chow Yun Fatt. I watch because got nice screenplay and boobs. After the movie I find that I might have watched 2 year's quota of GOLD and BOOBS, so much that I cant even sit tight on the seat... Back to the movie. I like the ScreenPlay, I like the color theme, I like the music and I like the 'little bit of' Kung Fu fighting scene. It would be better if it speak Mandarin, if there's not so many boobs to distract me, if the first Prince can have someone else to act, if Gong LI can be 10 years younger, if the Maid was dress less, or maybe dressless. Seriously, the movie as not that goods as how they promote it on trailers, and I think the major problem would be the story line. So says:" Luckily there's a good director, to make a dead boring movie interesting". If you happen to watch it soon, just focus on Boobs and Gold, or maybe Chow Yun Fatt...

Confession of Pain:傷城

Above pictures from confessionofpain.com

This on is way alot better than the 滿城都呆穿山甲, atleast I didnt fall asleep halfway. Story about 2 Policeman, palying a fool on each other trying to be the smartass, and ofcoz, the Good Guy wins lah.... Got Wai Zhai, my all time fav actor as the VeryClever and Handsome Police, Takeshi as the VerySmart and LanYaoYeng Police. I love the screen play of the movie, as almost everyscene you can just take it down and hang on the wall, it is THAT nice I tell you. Faded Colors on the history playback, Hi Contrast B&W on Crime Scene, ooh... so nice. You know who did it and how he kill the victims, but the movie still be able to make you to sit on the seat, slowly telling you why he did it and how he hide himself behind the scenes. It's really hard to find a good HK movie nowadays, this is a very good one.

Night at the Museum:晚上在妙詩淫

Jacq:" Wah, why you laugh so loud just now ? ", AhTak:" Funny mah ~ hehehehehe, I think you laugh louder than me ler ~" Jacq:" Wah !!! Where got ???!! You Dum Dum, I want Gum Gum .. HAHAHAHHA". It's been a long time I didnt laugh my ass out in the Cinema liao ler, maybe I am getting old or there's no good company to LOL in the Cinema ler ~ Well. The idea of the movie is very good. A divoced daddy trying his very best to impress his so they can stay togethe, but everythings seems to be so wrong untill he got himself a job in the museum as the Night Guard ........


  1. Anonymous said...
    dam dam u better run run~~~
    seefei said...
    all the movies i wanted to catch but no time! Lucky you!!
    c a r c a r said...
    hey nice logo! nice feel now! it looks more and more pro now your ah tak blog! good job!~

    im still struggling with my new template, no time and no mood to do, hhahahaha...

    thanks for the movie review.
    Jo said...
    that golden flower movie is really a disappointed.

    Night at the museum.. aiyo.. not worth sitting through that in the cinema.
    Jo said...

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