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I just like this picture , do you ? Took the shoot yesterday morning while waiting for her to wake up and go breakfast. Lately dunno why ... sure wake up around 5~6AM, caan't sleep later than that ler, even today, Sunday. How was your weekend ?


  1. Chen said...
    Sleep early & wake up early --> good boi :D

    I'm busy this weekend..
    well, in few hours time, whether we like it or not... it's Monday.....
    King's wife said...
    If I wake up at 6am on a Sunday, I'll be blur like shit!
    Have a good week ahead!
    may said...
    I woke up at 6:56 a.m. how I know leh? 'cos I looked at the clock lor. my usual wake-up time is 6:51 a.m. I think got internal clock ticking in my brain liao, weekend also wake up early! siao!!
    +wennie said...
    so early ah?...

    mai oh ha yeh liu loh... i mean 'jou liu' ... shhhhhhh...
    c a r c a r said...
    NO!!! May wake up at any hour! she need to chup at all newly updated blog, despite of day or night :P
    The Miserable said...
    You're now in old folks group la, cannot sleep too much one!!
    Anonymous said...
    i guess most of yr shots r good! very nice.

    AhTak said...
    Yes Dr ~ heheheh. Good is that I have a healthy Body and Soul, bad is that I have less activities .... hhmm....

    6am on Sunday becoz I 5 am wakeup the rest of the days ... kind of getting used to it liao ... now friends call me around 945pm, ZZzzZZzzz .... hahahha

    Yah ... must the internal clock, i read it somewhere before. SAying that everyone have a internal clock somewhere in the body ( I think brain gua...). Have a time set to wake up and time to sleep. Like sometimes if i missed the 'Sleeping time', sure i cant sleep that night already ...

    Mat 7.... hou hou dei yao ji mm joi lo fu lei san meh .. hehehehe. Dai shi ngo jou hei san yatt ding bei gor morning call nei yamm jou cha ~ mann lei sei mei !!!!???

    Yes Yes !!! I saw her giving comments and any hour !!! hohohohoh

    I think so dude ... no wake up here pain there pain ... is either me getting old or the Bed getting old ....
    Anonymous said...
    Getting old already. It's time to settle down liao. Ahem. ;)

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