So many Headphones

After PayDay, hand sure itchy ler ... hehehe

Sony MDR-EX51LP InEar Heaphones... RM119. Good Price, pretty good Sound Quality.

This is the THIRD pair already. First 1 lost the ear cap, second one run over by a car.... :( Previous 2 just took me 1 mins to think "To buy Or NOT to buy". And now after I decided to get a car... I took me 2 weeks to think "To buy OR NOT to buy" ... But at least I still didnt ask for discount, which I should have, but no time to waste ler. Bargain with the salesperson for half an hour and get RM10 discount ? Not me ....


  1. King's wife said...
    waahhh...headphones also so expensive kah??
    AhTak said...
    Mei zau hai loh .... haih .... now RM119 poorer ....
    *heart bleeding ....*
    L B said...
    Don't worry, heart bleeding, got cure wan! Pocket got lubang, bigger problem!!
    Anonymous said...
    I have the same pair, I think. but hor, the wire on my left earphone somehow terkoyak, now it's exposed out from the rubber sheath! I wonder if it's a problem with the white ones only?
    lurker said...
    i have a similar pair.. love the bass reproduction :)
    but each time using it, have to clean out my ear 1st.. if not it wouldn't stay put! hahaha
    AhTak said...
    Notghing beat a broken wallet ... haih ....

    My old one also liddat ler ... must be cheap rubber they are using ... I think it's the same on black and the white ones loh ...

    I just love the in-ear ones ler, keep out most of the sounds from the surrounding, but got to careful on the road coz cant hear anything with full blast volume.

    yah .. the base .... I think PCLong and Adrianyap also got the same pair, after I poison them .. hehehe

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