AhTak do Design

What ??? Sucks ler .. I know ah ~ I wasn't any good in Designing what.. Don't expect too much okay ? ~ heheheheh...

Been really really really busy lately these few days. Office still never have enough staff, actually we are hiring but no people come in for interview... how hOW HOW ? haih ... No time to see other's blog, no time to update my blog, no time to take pictures, no time to edit pictures, sometimes don't even have time to shit .... Really soli about the slow updates and slow comment replying ok ?~ Please spare me some time, really got alot of things to settle on hand...


  1. +wennie said...
    yesterday i heard sth like dis...

    'halo, jacq ah? me now goin out makan with wennie. but hor i feel like wan to shit now... how ar? can u tell me how ah?...'

    ...... -_-"

    mat 7.....
    AhTak said...
    wah ..... how can broadcast one !!!!!!!!?!????!?!?!? Gao Meng Ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    +wennie said...
    MAT 7..... u dun gah gah lah u.
    rainbow angeles said...
    I considered student ka?
    Anonymous said...
    LOLz.. bb u wan o c no need permit 1 k~ dun hv to report to general, kekekeke..
    国源 said...
    wah..ahtak,u r the one who want to shit ah?hohoho~why u so funny 1?haha...
    The design is good mah,always think positively!! The most important thing is ahtak's service mah!
    Anonymous said...
    ahtak... I miss you leh! no come to my blog anymore... *sob sob*... *crocodile tears...*


    no worries lah, as long as there's still some activity on your blog, we know you're alive and well! design looks ok what... pass with flying colours!
    Unknown said...
    u better than me already, i langsung dunno how to do designing. ur company need graphic designer ah? what's requirement? my friend is going to quit and looking for this job.
    Anonymous said...
    Nice leh.. why you say.. suxs..??
    AhTak said...
    Student ?~ eeh.... Mana student card ???

    ooh........ ok lah .......

    Ahtak's service ah ? Free mah ~ hehehehe

    Aiyer ~ Still go your blog ler ~ Just not that frequent ler ... busy lately mah....

    Me loh the Desinger ~ But dont get any extra pay one ~ heheehehhe

    hhmm.... nice ~ I re-do it again .....

    No loh .... Just don't like it ... :(

    * go back re-do ....... *
    limahpek said...
    The overall design is great but the 5% discount on the top right might turn people off than attracting them. Without the BIG 5% would probably made them to think more about Apple PC than the 5% discount. What i notice about Apple users and buyers are mostly are not influenced by price but interest and passion on Apple Mac itself. Juz my opinion.. Cheers..
    titoki said...
    You don't drop comments in others' blogs never mind, but you MUST COME COMMENT in my blog. Kthxbai!!! ;p
    Samm said...
    Good what, dont complain lerr. i know what it feels like to work alone. i've been working alone for the past 10 yrs or so.
    L B said...
    Anonymous said...
    Hello Everyone

    I have made a Web site about empower symbol.

    I hope you check it out.


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