Doubt:Trust:The Bond

I am telling everyone around me and everyone reading my blog to forget about the pass and get along with one's life, let's put hope to future and work hard for it, didn't ? Have I ? But apparently I am the one who can't ... or maybe not yet?

Damm the stupid feeling/thought keep on coming back from the pass and have put so much stress and tension on me. I am not sleeping well and have not being well in work too. Am I just worry too much or it's the stupid thought (my stupid brain) don't want to let me go thru my life smoothly? Smoking is not helping, weekends holiday are not helping, thought of going back to hometown make it even worse...

Have seriously been in a horrifying hell lately...Thinking of so many things that maybe able make my life easier. Am I asking too much ? Or I just don't worth what I am asking for? Seems that lately I am thinking about everything so hard, I'm afraid I might hit the limit 1 day...

Stress ? Presure ? Tension ? What the hell are those ? I said so many years ago, back then I have have nothing to fight for and nothing to lose, I have nothing. Now I have got a life to live, I've got things to seek for and fight for. But, pratically how? I seriously have no idea... 12hours on thinking in the shop is not helping at all ...

All I wish now, is the bond will be strong enough to hold us together... Wish me luck, while I was working really hard to make the bond stronger and tougher...


  1. King's wife said...
    There is always ups and downs....keep strong, you can one, ok?
    Jo said...
    Horrifying hell? That sounds more like my life, not yours! Just kidding.

    You feel kinda stuck where you are now, isn't it? Perhaps you have to be more alert for opportunities that may come your way? Perhaps you can make little changes in your life to get you closer to your dreams? Perhaps you just have to take it a day at a time? Perhaps you have to stop regretting?
    Anonymous said...
    I do wish you luck, and the best of what this world has to offer, to make your life better every day, in every way! forgive, no need to forget 'cos one day you'll look back on it as lessons learnt, and move on... :)
    c a r c a r said...
    arh... sometimes i think i can sense your struggling... is it because we are both a guest in a foreign land?

    we are not belong the piece of land where we are fighting for living now... the floating feeling are so helpless and lead to nowhere...

    things will be alright, soon. keep strong, yes.

    i need you to keep me strong too.

    gambatte ne!
    titoki said...
    OMG Ah Tak, you have written my heart and my current state of mind out loud. *hugz*

    It's never easy to forget the past. But we gotto learn how to let go and move on with our life.

    And Ah Tak, you are a very good man with a very good heart. Please have more confident in yourself, ok? :)
    L B said...
    Sometimes, we just need a little stroke of luck.. not much, just enough.. Hang cool, man.
    AhTak said...
    Thanks ... I think I will, I CAN !!! YES !!! hehehe

    Yah.. I've chances came and gone... and chances don't always falls on me .... :(

    Thanks ... bcoz of my past and I've become who I am today ... Learnt alot from the passed .. and still learning new things ...

    It's not easy staying alone in foreign land hur ?~ ... Keep on going, keep strong !!!

    I try to ler .. been trying .......

    Hope luck + efforts can make everthing right ....

    Fear. That's what in my mind now ... I more time to work things out....

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