The line to seek ...

Everything has a limit, just a thin fine line that will make a whole different if you've step over it...


  1. Anonymous said...
    *sigh* don't I know it! sometimes crossing that line may have negative repercussions, but having said that, you'll never know when good things might come out of going beyond your limit.

    the difference is how we react to what comes forth after that, and go on from there.

    ermm... ngam mou?
    titoki said...
    Right and wrong OR black and white is also separated by just one thin line.

    That's why I like to stand in the middle. The grey area. ;)
    King's wife said...
    If you don't cross over, you'll never know. Sometimes, you just have to take the risk.
    Anonymous said...
    most ppl will not cross the line..they resist change..but like KW says...if u dun cross over..u will never know wat is on the other side..
    Cocka Doodle said...
    Oi! But if double white lines don't cross hor. RM300 !!!
    Last month kena 5 summons liao....KNNCCB!!!
    L B said...
    The trouble is, sometimes, that line is crooked...

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