Feeling ... is the reason I loved ...
ex: Why you like me aH ?
me: eehh ... dunno ler ~
ex: me no leng lui ... no good fit mah..
me: eehh .... dunno wow ....
ex: dun care ! Must give reason !
me: I think it's the feel .....
ex: I love you .....
Happy times goes by for another 3 years ......
me: Why ? Can you tell me ?
me: I did anything wrong ?
ex: no, you have been a good bf...
me: Then why ? I can change if you want me to
ex: I just don't love you anymore...
ex: I dun feel like loving you anymore...
ex: I tried to love you again .... but ....
me: .........
Seems to me that 'Feel' is the reason to get together and ... be seperated.
I can love because I FEEL that I love the person...
I can ignore the person if I FEEL that I dun like her
You may feel that you love the person this very moment and he/she is everything in the world,
Or... You just don't feel like loving him/her right after a dream last night ...
Been to Ipoh 2 weeks ago ler ..... Verly pleasant it was. Since my mom was there for about 2 weeks, so I go a chance to go Ipoh and visit some of my relatives. My Uncles, aunties, cousins, my Grands.... As I told you guys a fews entries before. Ipoh is a very lovely place to be at. Why ?
Because of this...
........ according to my mom, and I have tasted all the food list above. We can't find anything better or even near ! ( for the same price we are paying) ..... The Dim Sum are really fresh, the portions of meat was just nice, and look at the prawns... So big ! You seen any prawns bigger than that ?! NO NO NO !!! There might be some really good Dim Sum places in KL, but you have to pay alot more for that ler ~
What buy Acer if you can get a Mac for the same price?
I almost forgotten how is the feeling of love and being loved .... This is for you, just right before I forgot that i still want to love and beloved ...
Please Click here
Receive a complain comment today. Saying: "Ah Tak, your site is a real bandwidth killer. Take so long to load! Also, don't autoplay the phone conversation media file leh. I have to mute my pc everytime before coming here hehe :-P "
I have just updated my blog to display only 20 entries on the frontpage, I you are interested to read some of my older entries ( which is also alot more funny), you can just clikc on the Archive site at the side bar. Thank you. Hope you enjoy all of my entries...
PS: See people, please leave some comments lah, then only I know how should I improve mah~~ ; )
I love pictures of sunset, love seeing sunset and the feel of sunset ..
It's the end of a day, pack up and go home to feel the warmth of home, where there is always someone waiting... after a day of tiring works, presures and tension you can just put all those shits away while looking at the setting sun buring the clouds away...seems that he is trying to tell you that things should looks easy and we should take it easy ...
Life cant be that bad...
I love Ipoh, serious. The places, the people, the food, way of living ..... To me it's all about the way of how life is all about in Ipoh. No rush, no jam, less polution and I guess that's why people there are nice. As the people are not poluted by any kind of polutions?
But the trip last week wasn't long enough for me to make a full report or review out of Ipoh. Hope I can stay there a week or so to look at more things and perhaps more pictures. Well, the main thing is that I really need a rest already, been so busy and stress from things happened this year. Lost and re-gain, memories builing up, great and bad happened, hapiness and misery... I really need a rest...
If you guys have been following my blog ( Click here if you don't), you know I really hate "some" of the people working with me. They are worse than shit, just for your information.
Well, as I have decide not to be so kind and nice to them, by not helping them at all or just pretent to be "I don't know". Surprisingly I got better sales by doing that. AHA ! So by not helping them will risen up me sales. That sounds good right ? So I will continue " Don't Diao them", you have problem, you want to ask me ? Kiss my ass lah !~ hahahaha
Here it goes....
A: Eh, can help me with my Mac ah, got problem.
B: Aiyo, soli ah, I don't know how to use Mac.....
A: Emm, nevermind lah, Thanks anyway...
Looks normal to you guys ??? Yeah, 'normal' people will think that Mac is different one, not using Windows one. Which means you have the right to DON'T KNOW HOW to use a MAC...RIGHT???
How bout this....
B: Excuse me, can you help me with my PC ah?
A: Emm, sorry, I don't know how to use Windows...
B: What la you?! You come from Mars one ah ???
See..... How sad being a MAC user... But it's not our fault thou.
You're having problem with your Windows and a Mac user can't help you on that, whose fault is that ? You will say Mac users' fault right ? NO NO NO ... it's your own problem. Don't blame Mac users for not being to help you out with "Virus" and "Hang" and other shit problem OK ?!~ Mac users won't know what the hell is VIRUS ~!
For those who dont know... Other than Windows, there are alot of different OS ( Operating System, Click here to learn More) out there Okay !!?? Got Windows, Unix, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris and ...............
Yo people ~ Just came back from Ipoh last night. Damn tired ler.
On thursday ...
8:00pm : Leave Office
8:10pm : Wait for taxi
8:40pm : Reach UM to pick-up my sister
9:20pm : Reach Pudu Raya
9:45pm : On the Bus
10:02pm: The bus moved
12:02am: Reached Ipoh
1:20am: Tauge Chicken for supper
2:10am: Reach Granma's house
4:00am: In dream
That's for day one.... And really want to complain bout these stupid Taxi. It cost me RM10 to reach UM from Ikano, and it cost me more from Kelana Jaya to Ikano, because...
TD: Taxi Driver....... ME: AhTak
TD: Boss, meter kena tambah RM2...
ME: Kenapa ???
TD: Oh, sebab nanti balik tak de penumpang.
ME: ...............
Seems that the stupid Taxi Driver thinks that its my fault for him to 'tak de penumpang' on his way back after sending me... What a world... I really hope that the rest of the world dun have this kind of Taxi Drivers. Do they ?
Anyway...... Saw these cute fellas as soon as I woke up in the morning..
More pictures coming soon... Stay Tuned
Last night I was playing with a toy i bought last week, cost me RM10. And also flashes that a cutomer borrow me. Kind of like the out come. Coz all the while I thought 'Lighting' is just so easy. Well, easy to set-up but not easy to master. Edward came to join the fun as he said:" Lan C lah, wait till i buy a DSLR".....
I tried some different settings of the flashes and the built-in flash of my camera. HHhmmm.......
When I was a kid I love to go shooping with my Dad, Window Shooping actually. Where I will show my Dad all the toys and shoes that I want, tell him all the specs and how high I can jump with a pair of Air Jordan. I think there is where I learn my sales skills. If you can sell to my Dad, basically you can sell the same product to anyone.
Today.... This kid:
Came into the shop like he has alot of money in his pocket. Don't give a damm to anyone, picked an iBook and start using it like he owns it. So I walked near as polite as I can and see if I can help him with anything, he just don't give a damn. From what I saw from his expression is: Go away you bugger, dun come kacau. I will not buy the computer but I will use it to do whatever I want.
Hey people. The demo machines in the shop are for those who are interested to. To 'test' how things look like in a Mac, what are the differences, do Microsoft Office ever exist in a Mac or things like that.
-: Checking Mails.
-: For kids with no parents to mess with.
-: Buy Air Asia Ticket.
-: Surfing Internet.
-: MSN chatting.
-: Hold and twist it 360˚
Machines on Demo were at least RM3999... So please handle with care. Ask if you don't know. NO need to flip it all around to find the batterry, AhTak will kindly tell you where isit.
Life have been tough, money still not enough, and I am still taking pictures and Blogging.
Haih...... what the ...
Had a chat with AdrianPilot today ler, talk bout why there are no DEMO machines in the shop, talk about Apple machines, talk about prices and Captain Yong joined just for more. And suprised me is that both thier wifes were in the same school I studied! TTSS, 崇正一家相親.What a small world. Both pilots feel bad bout me losing 2 PowerBooks and ask me what is my next moved, well....
Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin
Before I start, I would like to say thanks to Izham ( my MAS Pilot customer, who bought a 15" PowerBook from me) who sponsor me the Sabah Ikan Masin. GREAT TASTE I tell you all viewers, those you see in the SuperMarket or HyperMarket all bluff one. Can't taste the 'taste' of the Ikan Masin, just very very very masin. EEeehh.... No good man. Whereby the Ikan Masin from Sabah were, lightly salted with sea-salt, instead of salt-water like what you get here in KL. So it's not that salty, as why you can see I have put alot of them in the Nasi Goreng.
1. Ikan Masin from Sabah (sponsored by 1 of the Pilots)
2. Red Onions and Garlics
3. 4 Eggs (depends on how much you love them)
4. Long Beans
5. OverNighted Rice
6. Caned-Minced-Pork (Muslims viewers should replace this)
7. Soya souce and Pepper for taste.
1. As usual la, prepare all your ingredients and have a nice layout. So you don't kelam kabut or panic when you need them and they are no-where to be found.
2.Heat up a Pan with plenty of oil on it. Set the stove to the 'smallest fire' you can. This is to make the Ikan Masin feels crunchy, also to prevent is to be overcook.This step will take around 10~12mins. And you can make use of the time by setting up another stove for other steps.
3.Heat up a Wok with 'Fierce Fire' and a tablespoon or 2 of oil (I use cap helang), bring in the red onions and garlic, or maybe some onions to bring more 'taste' and 'smell'. Patiently wait till the garlic turns into golden brown color, then proceed to step 4.
4.Put in the canned-minced-pork. For muslim viewers, this can be replaced by minced chincken or minxed beef or minxed-what-ever-you-like. As for the day before we tired with chicken, and we don't like it. Fierce fire here, to 'crispify' the surfaces of the meat you put in. Very important.
5.Beans come in now. The tips are. Patient, carefull and bright eyes. Slowly stir fry the beans and others till the beans change thier contrast, as in Light Green to Deep green. See with your eyes.
6.AHA ! The rice. I recommend overnighted rice. Why? Less water compount inside so you don't get 'wet' fried-rice. Here I use -just-cook-rice. Coz we have to time to prepare overnighted rice and have to deal with it. If you think you have talented skills like me, then you can triy with just-cook-rice, at your own risk~
7.By this step the Ikan Masin should be ready. Pour ot the excess oils to a plate or something, coz later we might need extra oil for the fried-rice. The rice can absorb really much or oil. So oil we put in earlier will not be enuff. Also these oil we save have the taste of the Ikan Masin too. Will enhance the taste of the Fried-Rice by 20%~25.78%. Then throw the Ikan Masin to the Wok.
8.After Ikan Masin, then the Eggs. 2 options to do it. No1: Just whack the eggs to any hard surface and put in the wok. Or like AhLei, have all the eggs opened and put into a small bowl, then slowly pour then into the wok. Personally I think that does not make any different.
9.Some soya sauce for the taste. Remember the stir the rice on the wok khau khau. As this will prevent the rice or anything to stick on the wok. Your wife or girl friend won't like to wash with overcooked particals sticking on the wok. Trust me on that. I still remember my mom's face while she is washing the wokv after I did my first fried-rice at home.
10.Pepper. I love pepper. Specially Sarawak pepper. The Best Ah !!!
11.Last. Bring up all the Fried-Rice and display on any form of 'plates' you like. But I think it won't look good on Banana Leafs.
DONE !!!
Look at those Ikan Masin ladies and Gentlement. MMmmm...... Sedap I guarantee !
Well, what do you guys think ? AhTak cooking man ~~~ Serious ??!~~ hahahaha ~ Ofcoz ler ~ nothing better to do what. Cook lo, make myself happy and friends happy with my cooking ~
Any of you kind enuff to share your kitchen with me? Maybe I can cook a meal at your place for free !? Do let me know if any of you are interested ~
Labels: EatOut
RM199 from Brand Outlet, Ikano Power Center.
As you all can see.... The deisgn ..... No Difference With BATA. The workmanship, not better than Power,as you can see the glue are coming from the side. And it ask for RM 199.
I have no reason why not to get a Nike Cortez for RM199, hell alot better workmanship and however ORIGINAL design.
Not copycat. I have no idea why i just hate COPYCATing over ideas, design, thoughts ... Thiefs, same kind with those who stole my PowerBooks.
We were in one of the Pub+Disco+Karaoke in Sri-Hartamas Last Night... Not bah lah ...
: RM45 per Jug
: Got Karaoke till 12AM
: Enviorment not bad
: Lots of chicks
: Nothing better to at home
These are some excuse to be there.
Got a number last night, Elvi is her name...
Me : Do you have Malibu ?
LV : Yes we do, how would you want it ?
Me : Huh ???
LV : With Pineapple, or Sprite, or On the Rock.
Me : I see .... Which is nice ?
LV : .............
Me : ............
LV : ............
Me : You name ?
LV : eLVi
ME : Nice to meet you, I am Jiaujio Amalei
ME : My friends here, Plada and GutChi
LV : heheh, yie ...... hehehe
Me : ..................
LV : .................
As usual loh, got her number and will not call .... hahaha, just for the 'fun' of asking it !~
And finally I have the taste of Malibu, coz I am wonderring why kinkyBlueFairy love it so much.
Fantastic smell, some fruity-smell it has, and the taste is great. Sweet and just a little bit of the alcohol you will noticed after it went thru your throat.
Yeah ~ I have Jaclyn Victor in Da house ~!
She came in today to fix some problem with Streamyx Broadband Service, the best internet service provider in Malaysia, they claim... which don't even have a Mac technician.
i am shamed, never heard of Jaclyn's singing before... Malaysian, didn't heard of her song before, somemore she is a customer of mine... what a shame..shame on you AhTak.
He is a lovely girl I can see. She don't LanC people around even she is Asia NO.1. Not like some others. Once I met a Malaysian Singer now in Taiwan, promoting for Maxis, a guy. You know who rite ?~ That one damn LanC lah. I should have asked him to sign on the pirated CD of his. Damn...
Jac if you are reading this, I want to say Congrats to be Asia No1, which I forgot to tell you today. Great voice you have, really great serius I tell you, if not how you win Asia No1 ??? All the best to you Jac ! Hope to see you on Billboard No1 soon !
Yo people, specially friends who want a faster car.... this is for you !
Originally from MrBrown
Spend some time to edit these pictures for him loh, cause i see the pictures are typical-uncle-go-travle- types of pictures, so i just give a little bit of effort for him over the pictures... nothing much lah, just cropping and some color correction. He too got a very good eyes for photo taking, just that he is still not used to his camera.
Other than we had some discussions over the pictures also. Talk about the cultures, people and places in Japan. We love it. And also we have decided to go for a trip to Japan somewhere next year.
After i got my PowerBook, a Philips Noice Reduction HeadPhones, iPod video 30GB with Camera Connector, a pair of Nike Cortez, 2 pieces of Ultra III 1GB CF cards, and get a GF for myself, and ........
I am amazed when Lei told me what he saw in Japan, it's totally 2 world comparing to where we are living now. Japan is way in-front of us, but the polution level there is like Sabah, clean... there is pictures to prove.