Hoping for another holiday/trip.

Been busy these few days trying to catch some worms ( Computer Virus ) in my office's computers. Since my whole office are using Mac, virus shouldn't be an issue to our computer, coz the Macs basically immune to Virus:
Image from Apple.com, click on to read more

And uptill today, my PowerBook ( touchwood ) has never been attaced by any Virus before, also, here you can read more about Virus in a Mac, seriously there's nothing much to read about. hehehhe.

I've telling everyone I know that Mac are free from Virus so please don;t complain to me about Mac hitting a Virus, including my GF and frinds, if they happen to tell me " My Mac kena Virus lah ... " and I will give them a funny face try to tell them I have no time for that kind of joke. I still remember all my customers ( while I am still doing sales ) try to blame everything to virus... :
  • Cannot connect to internet, Virus ... (ADSL not setup properly )

  • Cannot receive email, Virus .... (mail server not setup properly)

  • Cannot print documents, Virus ... (USB Cable not connected)

  • Cannot Log On to server, Virus ... (Keyined wrong password)

  • Tummy getting bigger, Virus also ... (Eat too much, I think)

  • I hope some programmer can come out with a Virus that will 0 the balance in the Bank Account for anyone that use a Windows...HAHAHAH, that will be nice ~. Or maybe transfer all the money to who ever using a Mac, that's better hor ? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

    Recently my colleague can't send any words files as attachment to anyone on her contact list, after a simple diagnose I found out that her computer have Virus on it. Why 'HAVE' and not 'Infected by' ? Coz the Virus wont/cant do much in a Mac. The Virus are design to work in Windows and whereby the System structure on a Windows and Mac are totally different, so the Virus will be 'Lost' and just sit there do nothing, like you diu 9 a Japanese Guy with Hokkian also he won't give you a damm liddat, something liddat lah. Anyway, the recipients are rejecting the mails because the AnTi-Virus detected Virus carried in the mail, so it automatically reject the mail and return a mail saying " Your mail contain Virus, hence rejected" . Damm, that's uncool...

    This is what I've been always thinking about....

    A Virus cant be made or generated on a Mac, so all the Virus must be from a PC running Windows Whatevershit Edition.... As Shown here:

    Every Windows need AntiVirus because as long as it's connected to the internet, sure kena Virus. While the Mac don't have to worry about AntiVirus, coz immnune
    But why are there AntiVirus for Mac? The main and ONLY purpose is to stop or somehow slow down the spread of Virus in the Windows world, they are so sick and vulnerable and pathethic that they don't even noticed it when hit by virus.

    Question is:

    Why the hell should the Mac users waste money/time/effort on installing AntiVirus to safe the Window user's ass ? Why le? Why cant just let them kena Virus that will delete everything in thier Windows, since they love Windows so much ...


    1. The Miserable said...
      You must install an anti virus lah. It's like your lanjiao mau masuk si fatt loong, you have to clean the si fatt loong and your lanjiao first although your si fatt loong is immuned to shits. Hahaa...
      Unknown said...
      if u use MS windows and u kena virus , is user problem not windows problem.

      is like u drive a car , u go and bang other ppl , then u blame the car becoz the car didnt stop ar?
      rainbow angeles said...
      But seriously, does a Mackie need Antivirus?
      I getting one soooooon...

      *waits to learn more from ahtak kor*
      Anonymous said...
      tiensheng>> It's not always the user's fault la... Sometimes you juz dunno why got virus one, seriously... Dun tell me you go and get the virus intentionally...
      AhTak said...
      Despite the disgusting exmaple ... COOL !!! HAHAHAHHAHA..... Actually nothing much I can do here other than covering as much as arsess as I can loh .. Hope 1 day MAc will dominate the computer market and hence, less computer problems around ...

      In a way it's true lah ....
      Dun simply open mail attachment from unknow recipients and scan the computer everymorning and night with AntiVirus. But why dun do it the Mac user's way ? Simple open any files and dun even have a AntiVirus software installed in the computer ?

      AntiVirus ? Why waste space installing those things ? Use the hard drive to store more Pictures and Songs ler ~ hehehehhehehe

      HHmm ... Sometimes we receive files that have virus innit and we have to open it any how. Like some CEO send you a offer letter with RM800000 per month salary in a Virus infected word file, how ? hehehehhe
      Unknown said...
      wahhahahah .....

      well , ppl tend to challenge windows so what can i say about it?

      erm , da last time i kena virus was like ... er how many years ago ? lolz ~

      boycott unknown files and unknown users ... !
      AhTak said...
      Then must boycott The CEO and my dad who everyday kena Virus in his computer ... Damm, then no more sponsorship to AhTak.Blogspot.Com .. Diu loh .....
      Unknown said...
      haha ...
      i boycott unknown files geh ...
      so far i'm safe from virus loR ~

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