Why Mac ?

Picture taken with my PowerBook Keyboard Back-Lit on. So far ... Havent seen anything like this on and PC yet, which the Mac has this since 2003 .. hohohooho. What are the designers in PCs doing huh ???

Dunno ler, after switching from Windows to Mac for so long, I 'still' love using the Mac, Infact I don't see any reason for me to switch back to a PC ( 'IBM-compatible', 'Window-Based', 'Normal COmputer', 'Standard Computer', any other names you all can think of?).

For softwares...

  • .I can use Microsoft Office to do quotations, documents, and see PowerPoints ( Which I prefer to use Keynote to creation presentations, and Page to do documents and Layouts)

  • I can use iPhoto/iViewMedia to view and manage my picture files. While creating a webpage from all the pictures I've got is jsut a few clicks, more clicks ofcoz if you are more creative.

  • .iTunes to organize and play my songs. To rip MP3 and to burn Audio CD. And Album Art is so cool ...Winamp ??? What is that ? Windows Media ?? Give me a break...

  • .Quicktime that support WMA, MPEGs , DIVX to view all my videos ... and Real Player ofcoz of thier 'Special' File format.

  • .AdiumX that allows MSN ,Yahoo and ICQ (for those who still live in caves) all together under 1 software. And not forgeting Skype that can support Video.

  • .Safari for surfing and blogging ler. Some users prefer FireFox for some reasons. That's up to the user's like like. I love using Safari for the user interface that's simple and clean, and the speed also, fast ...

  • And what else ? Dun tell me about 3D software that you might use it only twice in a life time, accounting softwares or engineering software that you 'just feel like' having it in your computer, so some other sofftware that you don't even know what's the purpose/usage. Be fair, what kind of software one will use in a computer? Generally....

    ShortNote: I think I want to continue the Hardware part and other some other day .... too long and kind of busy lately ...


    1. Anonymous said...
      back-lit keyboard, that's all that's missing on my MacBook!! too bad I have to rely on the light from my screen to type in the dark. either that, or just make do with all typos, hahaha!
      国源 said...
      Yea, how good if my mac book got the back-lit also..but its cool enough compare to the normal pc ,standard computer..haha!
      AhTak said...
      I love to use the BackLit keyboard ... While Jacq is sleeping and I still can blog in the dark with minimal typo ... hehehe ... But sometimes I use my phone to remote control the DVD player .. hehehe

      Yah man ... PCs ?~ Bring it on ~~~ !!! HAHAHAHAHA
      seefei said...
      let you in on a secret... after your answer on my comment on the function of mac in the last post, i actually went to the epicentre in wheelock place to check out a mac.

      i was won over. and the price is within range of its cousin window & my budget. i had already decided to get a mac when i upgrade my computer!

      good salesmanship, ah tak! keep it up!

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