First time I saw my Grandpa, he was sitting on this chair... that was so many years ago.

Last time I saw my Grandpa, he was allso sitting on the same chat... that was few months back.

Me and my grandpa love eating Siu Yoke so much that he will buy a kilo of Siu Yoke every morning and leave it on the table, then I will eat siu yoke with him and he will lecture me on things like... how naughty I am....How should I behave myself so my parent can be happy...keep on reminding me to eat Vege.... I miss you so much Grandpa...

When I went back to Ipoh few months back my, Grandpa cant even lecture me already, he look so old and he was so sick... I thought "I can always come back and talk to him" .... Too late...


  1. Anonymous said...
    feel sorry about that
    AhTak said...

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