Too bad I don't have this button built in within me....
How nice if I can have this function. I have too much of "files (things or peoples or events or incidents)" that I wanted to delete from my "HardDrive(my brain)".
Too many names that been thru my life, which they used to meant alot to me, used to say it loud after "I Love ....". Exactly 1 year, didnt say any names after "I Love....".
I knew that I could do better by then, but I didn't.
I knew that I'll regret for the rest of my life, yes I do.
I knew that life would be different, yes it is.
I knew that it won't be easy to carry on, no it wasn't.
Effort is not helping at all, it got worse.
I tried everthing I can trying to forget this name.
The name that occupy most of my SMS,
the name that I call out most,
the name I used to missed everynight,
the name ..... reminder of sweet memories,
that I still can't forget...
Can I just DELETE it ? .. no... hell no....
I wish I could just ......
About Me
Blogs To Go:
On Flickr
All I have here:
- when 4 hours feels like 4 years...
- 回家...
- Am I getting better ???
- I'm lost ....
- Mystical Night...
- Its was in Midnight ....
- Beat This !!!
- When Cold meets Hot...
- Some New Features in iPhoto...
- Some Idiots ....
- A view ... just a view ...
- A very BIG Thank You !
- Gemini is like that one meh ???
- Too Boring and Be Stupid..
- Brother, sure want to go there aH ???
- This is for you ...
- iWeb ~~~ Yeah Yeah ~~
- He did it again ...
- Test out the Lens and Flash
- Too bad I am human...
- What the ... !!??
- WOW !!!!
- Where are the Pictures ???
- Hold on Hold on.....
- Makes me feel like going home now...
- What's Broken ? ...
- Happy Happy New Year !!! Have fun !!!
- Happy New Year !!!

i feel the same way as urs!
Life is hard.. live hard play hard !! that's the only fomula !
we humans are given memories so that we can cherish it after sometimes, when we look back we will smile lo... if we keep on deleting... no point, coz we won't learn from mistakes... we will delete, then repeat the same mistake again... not a very good practice though... there is always a reason when we are given something... instead of thinking the sad times... why don't think of the good times??? get use to good times as good times will pass, get use to bad times as bad times will pass... example... can u remember when u get rotan ah??? now u think back, u will realize u deleted without knowing... hehe...
we humans are given memories so that we can cherish it after sometimes, when we look back we will smile lo... if we keep on deleting... no point, coz we won't learn from mistakes... we will delete, then repeat the same mistake again... not a very good practice though... there is always a reason when we are given something... instead of thinking the sad times... why don't think of the good times??? get use to good times as good times will pass, get use to bad times as bad times will pass... example... can u remember when u get rotan ah??? now u think back, u will realize u deleted without knowing... hehe...
totally agrre with you ~! but human brains funny one ler, i preffer to remind us on the bad rather than the good ones.... haih ~or maybe i should comunicate more with my brain... SHOW ME GOOD THINGS LAH, STUPID BRAIN !!! hehehehehe
Dun waste time.... life goes on .... The old don't go the new wont come ~ hehehe