Yeah ~~~ Picture come out already ~~~
Since it was raining almost eveyday non-stop after i bought the new gears, so I have decide to take pictures for the flowers INDOOR !
So last night after a short nap till 12:40am in the middle of the night. I took out the flash with full charged batts and snap on the camera, head to the park in the Condo. Windy, chilly and little bit lonely. Look at the little flowers standing tall in the wind, and I found what I am looking for. Having some hard time thou, since there got no roof to bouce the flash !!! So how ?? Die loh, ta pao and go home ??? no ... twist the brain abit and walk around the small taman...I found some tiang lampu and walls that seperates the planting aread... which i can use them to bounce, smart Ass ! hehehehe. And the result come out exactly how i want it to be, with a little bit of focus. Try to focus the tip of the flower bud in total darkness, you go and try lah ~
Then when can feel the rain coming, i plucked 2 buds back home to shoot. Ok ok , my bad, not suppose to do that I know. Now next time loh ~~~
This one using bounce flash from top, camera angle around 10degree and flower facing camera. Cant imagine ?.. eeh... Steady the flower with a clip, bend it down till it is facing the camera, then tilt the flash facing the ceiling, and say cheeeesses~ Don't ask me about the ant there, I have no idea where the hell it come from. I just saw it only when I open up picture in PhotoShop, it was not in the LCD when I do playback.This one senang ler ~ Tilt the flower up-right to face the ceiling Twist the flash facing the fall benhind the flower. Then sure you'll get an under-exposed shoot. Coz the bounced back flash can only reach the back part of the flower. You can either set the flash to higher power or... PhotoShop is our best friend ~~ hehehe
Just for your information... pictures in this entry only went in PhotoShop for frames and some level ajustment.
Sorry about the delay of pictures posting ler..... and also haven't master out the new lens and flashes too. Hopefully can get lot better when i reach Sabah in CNY....
About Me
Blogs To Go:
On Flickr
All I have here:
- when 4 hours feels like 4 years...
- 回家...
- Am I getting better ???
- I'm lost ....
- Mystical Night...
- Its was in Midnight ....
- Beat This !!!
- When Cold meets Hot...
- Some New Features in iPhoto...
- Some Idiots ....
- A view ... just a view ...
- A very BIG Thank You !
- Gemini is like that one meh ???
- Too Boring and Be Stupid..
- Brother, sure want to go there aH ???
- This is for you ...
- iWeb ~~~ Yeah Yeah ~~
- He did it again ...
- Test out the Lens and Flash
- Too bad I am human...
- What the ... !!??
- WOW !!!!
- Where are the Pictures ???
- Hold on Hold on.....
- Makes me feel like going home now...
- What's Broken ? ...
- Happy Happy New Year !!! Have fun !!!
- Happy New Year !!!

it was certainly worth the wait....:) keep it up!! more...more...more!!!!! :D
soooooooooo sorry for the waiting bad ... my bad
I love to take flower pics with bugs on it... it just look so cute :)
Yesssss.... absolutely PhotoShop ist is one of our best!!! hahaha
get a digital camera and we go shooting !!! ~~~
yah man ~~~ the new Macro lens as New Year gift for myself.. hehehehe. But that ant used up alot of my time trying to focus it ~ hahahaha
wanna ask... how much you bought those lense??? i also wanna consider to get a zoom far far and macro lense liao... i got analog SLR nia... :(
I like all ... hahahaha
I pay RM1K plus for the lens ler ~ and cannot zoom somemore, coz it's a macro zoom...hehehe
I think the Tamrom 70-300mm not bad ler, last time i pay RM550 for it, and it also have 1:2 macro. Most important, it won a prize for me also ~ hehehe
Bah macam kau di KK ~ ku pulang for chinese new year, but tawau not KK... hehehehe. miss you guys there alot ler ~
too bad, I didn't use the macro setting.
Very good pictures you have there in your blog !!! some of the compo really nice ler ~~
you not in PhotoKaki meh ???!!! Thanks you come over and look look see see .. hehehe
L B:
I invite you to my gallery no problem... but is that ok to have beer in the Gallery ah ? or maybe some chicken wings also?
come'on,bring us more pictures..hey when free teach me the skill of take photo lar! even i dun have enough money to buy such a great camera!
---Kok Yuan
Diana ^^
Nvm one ~~~ just take pictures and share it off !!!
hhmm.... is the Diana I knew ??? ... thanks for coming here and ... thanks ~~~
linked here from selba site :)
thanks ~~~ thanks for coming over, and please say hi to selba ~ heheheh
L B:
thanks bro ~~~ all the best !!!