If you no mood today, this is for you .... look at the creation of god, and you'll see everyone have got his/her own path in live. Things do get fucked up somethimes, but hey, get up and walk on, believe that you are here somehow for a reason, maybe just that you havent noticed. Be tough till the time comes.
If you good mood today, this is for you... Remember to appreciate whoever and whatever you have now. They are the ones the bring happiness and cherish your everyday life, and I don't think you came for free. Work out and and sure you'll enjoy what came after deep shits... This i truely believe !
If you bad mood today... This is for you also. Download the pictures and make it your wallpaper. Look at the pictures untill you can find some words out of it. The idea is that you don't call anyone out to share your bad mood and make everyone in the world bad mood also. hahahaha. Nah, just kidding lah, cheer up ler ~ Good mood also want to eat, bad mood also want to eat, why don't eat in a good mood ? hahahaha !
About Me
Blogs To Go:
On Flickr
All I have here:
- when 4 hours feels like 4 years...
- 回家...
- Am I getting better ???
- I'm lost ....
- Mystical Night...
- Its was in Midnight ....
- Beat This !!!
- When Cold meets Hot...
- Some New Features in iPhoto...
- Some Idiots ....
- A view ... just a view ...
- A very BIG Thank You !
- Gemini is like that one meh ???
- Too Boring and Be Stupid..
- Brother, sure want to go there aH ???
- This is for you ...
- iWeb ~~~ Yeah Yeah ~~
- He did it again ...
- Test out the Lens and Flash
- Too bad I am human...
- What the ... !!??
- WOW !!!!
- Where are the Pictures ???
- Hold on Hold on.....
- Makes me feel like going home now...
- What's Broken ? ...
- Happy Happy New Year !!! Have fun !!!
- Happy New Year !!!

anyway... take other pictures ma... don't always take flower... i suggest you can snap your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your skin, your hand, your fingernails... oh my, i think i watched too much CSI... body parts photos of a DB LOL... anyway... what i meant is, maybe some people wanna see who you are mer... maybe you can get gated from there... kekeke....
the flowers look like they are suspended in mid air and give you this floaty feelin :)
hhhmm.... yeah, i think you watch too much SCI already. hahahaha...i posted some of my own picture here in some of the older entires, and you know what ? after that entry my visitor counter drop like hell ler ~~ scared liao.. hahaha,
2little fellas:
thanks ~~~ happy that like the pictures~~~
the headers ah? that i took last year CNY one ler, long time ago in my hometown, nice hor ?~ i take the picture and crop it to panaroma, then stich it with some part of the duplicated of the original to make it even longer ~ hehehehehehe.
glad that you like my pictures ~~~ hehehehe ~ Hope that i can make everyone "Feel" my pictures ~~~ thanks for liking them ~
u have to take care of others feeling, don't always take those nice shot, make people jealous man! :-(
ps: have u been take part of any photo competition?? go man, u will win!!
hahaha ~~~ me not that good ler ~~~ for fun ok lah ~ to compete ah ??...... still a long way to go ler. hahafor coming haha
Thanks for coming over ler ~~~ hope you enjoy every visit to ahtak.blogspot.com