Served me well

March 2007 ~ July 2007

Last night Edward remind me that I have a PSP by asking "You have Winning Eleven ah ?" . SO I thought of load in some songs to my PSP and bring to work today, so I wont get bored waiting for the taxi and on the way to work. Soon when I switch on the PSP it ask to enter the date and time, as I thought, coz I've just leave it there for weeks already ( been busy all around ), and it tells me there's no MS Stick inside. So I check the slot and obviously there's a MS Stick there, shit ....

Try to format with my PowerBook, my phone ( SE K750i ), my Powerbook again, my phone .... but the PSP still not be able to detect it. After a few more try, now my Powerbook and phone can't even read it already ...


  1. Anonymous said...
    Poor....4 ur info, sony accessories doesn't provide any warranty...u should get SanDisk 5yr Warranty rather thn d Sony Original....kakakakaka

    国源 said...
    Haha..its time to change a new MS lor! Next time must play everyday,so that it wont spoilt again, haha..
    AhTak said...
    Damm ... Shouldn't have listen to the salesman...
    " Dun worry, this pirated one as good as original, only so hai buy original one ~" ....diu ...

    Yawow...But no time to play everyday ler, got to watch movie, take care of the puppy, eat , sleep, day dream ... you know lah, i busy man .. HAHAHAHAHAH
    Anonymous said...
    I heard the Sony MS 4Gb is not so stable. And many PSP seller dun recommend buy the 4Gb,... even many PSP forum say so...... too bad for u. Good Luck man...

    Jeff, HUZZK

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