Shooting are fun !!!

I had a so-called Studio tryout last night.... Was awesome And so then I realized that how difficult is that be a pro Portraits Photographer...Tiring, frustraitng, stress, and ... have to be really creative (which i am not).

As all of my friends are not professional model and make-up artist. We at first we really are having hard time to communicate. Like what kind of a pose i want, what kind of a emotion i want.... but was really funny when we were doing the try-out ~

For sure I would love to have more try-outs with these girls ~


  1. Anonymous said...
    i can see extremely unlimited potential...moving forward to professional photographer.
    small steps of trying, big step of the brighting tomorrow
    Anonymous said...
    too much shadow towards the right by the nose and hand(beneath hand on face). Maybe too harsh/direct light?
    AhTak said...
    soo hoe:

    long way to go ~~~ ; )


    Hhmm.... I guess so. Should add in a reflector or something hor ? ...... should try next time. And I think the color tone also something wrong...
    Anonymous said...
    y the model emotion look so strange haha...
    btw,she's pretty ..

    Anonymous said...
    to KY
    luckily sou add the last word on ur msg, although, i believe that girls won't be ahtak' model anymore...hehehe..
    AhTak said...

    Realyl ah ? I thought so also.... but I like the picture so much ~

    soo hoe:

    Thanks man... I really need more girl for my practices ~
    AhTak said...

    Really... I've been trying to get and learn how to take proper portraits shoot... As you all can see from my pictures, portraits are my weak point, man....

    PS: I have wanted to ask them to put on more make-up for me, but they are also not proffesionals.... so .... the outcome not really good... will get more chance and try with more shoots ! Thanks for the hints man ! I really appreciate them ~
    Anonymous said...

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