Why is that so hard ????

Lately I'm having problem sorting and editing large amount of pictures ( we are talking about 1000+++ pictures ... ) on my 15" Screen MBP, resolution at 1440 x 900. I've found that I am continuously squinting my eyes alot more than normal ... So I think it's time to get a bigger screen with Higher resolution to relieve my eyes abit

First choice ofcoz is the Apple Cinena Display lah ...

Priced at RM2499 for a 20" With 1680x1050. I will buy 2 if I am charging RM5k for a Wedding Job. But too bad, I am not. Well got to look for other alternatives, that fits my need and budget. Before this I have a very bad experience in The Curve and Cineleisure ( more story here ... ), then ofcoz I've not that stupid to go back there again lah. I head to Digital Mall this time, smart, I thought ...

Due to lack of budget, I need to get a LCD by using 0% Installment Plan that you can see everywhere ~ That's what I thought and you'll found out why later in the story...

So I was in the Top Floor looking for a ViewSonic vx1962wm, 1 of the few that have 1680x1050 on a 19". But bad news is that the shop can only offer me the 0% Installment Plan if my purchase is more than RM1000, and on top of that, they will charge me 5% on top of the final price before they put into the installment plan. Abit confused ? Nvm, I explain to you ...

Say you but a LCD at RM1000 and want to have a 0% installment Plan, that will be:

RM1000 + 5% = RM1050 , then RM1050 ÷ 12 months

Why is that ? I dunno. But since the bank so nice offer me to pay back the amount within 12 months time. Ok loh. I look for a higher end LCD that cost more than RM1k loh. You might say, " Why dun get the LCD with something else that will cost total Rm1K ?", coz I can't think of what else I wanted ... So ... 24" LCD ~ Which I can use utilize it for watching Movies also, not bad lah ~ But you know what ? The shop so big there, only have some Samsung 24" LCD, the rest are all 22" !!! WTF ?!?!? And all the 22" are less than RM1K !!! KNS ... waste my time ! So walk out of the shop pissed off, try to see if any other shop have any ViewSonic or LG or BenQ 24" .... And Surprisingly the WHOLE DIGITAL MALL dun sell ViewSonic or LG 24" ! Great !!! Digital Mall, my foot !

Just before I decided to walk out of that lousy place to LowYat, there's small shop at the corner that have a BenQ 24" on display , so bet my luck before I leave. But guess what.. " Sorry sir, everything here can be 0% Installment planned , but not LCD "

KNN !!! TNS !!! MFH !!!

Fast fast walk out Digital Mall before I'm too pissed and burn then place ... nia sing ...

Lowyat !!! Best Place for to get your Digital Gadget ! I should have go there earlier lah ~ So happily look around with my GF and try to search for some 24" LCD, they do have alot on display and available stock ready for cash and carry, CASH AND CARRY ~ Yeah ~~~ No installment plan available for those who are selling LCD, and those not selling LCD all have 0% Installment Plan sticker big big at the door ~

Pissed enuff ? Not yet ... If you dun want to be entertain by some stupid salesman and want to have all information about the product you are interested, where you go ?

Smart ~~~ Why bother going all the way to for maximum Jam and super overpriced car park right ?? Dell lah ~ Just a few click on your computer screen and you will get your order delivered to you door step ! That's the way of shopping lah ~ kekeke. So i order the lower end DellTM E248WFP 24" .

5 mins after I clicked the confirm button, I got a email from Dell , saying my order accepted, will get another email to inform me ones the order is confirmed. Huh ??? Order accepted but not confirm, got to wait for confirmed ? hhmm .... But somehow they stated on the email saying " Delivery is estimated to take place between 5-7* working days (Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore) and 8-12* working days (East Malaysia) " ... wait loh ... what to do ?


Then the Next Day got the next mail from Dell saying my order has been accepted ( .. -_-''' ), but got wait for another 2~3 working days for the bank to settle the 0% Installment Plan, but I thought that's just 2~3 mins thing if done in the shop ? ... nvm lah ... I wait ... So thats 2~3 working days + 5~7 days = 7 ~10 days till I get the LCD, Now, mark the date, it's 12 June 2008.

And today, 17 June 2008. I got another email from Dell saying the payment have been settled, and will get another email for esimated arrival date of the LCD to my door step. Nice ...

But out out curiosity, I go and check my order status from Dell's website, and ...

Found out that the LCD will arrive on my door step on 23 June 2008. Which is Next monday... And according to the Order Status: " Kindly Note that the Estimated Delivery Date is subject to chance without notice ". In another words, " You will get your LCD if you see it on your doorstep on the estimated arrival date, if you don't see it, means it's not there yet, you can complain to us but you still won't get your LCD is you dun see it on your door step on the estimated arrival date. "

So I am telling myself. Work hard, get more jobs, and no more 0% Installment Plan anymore ....


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