Was there kind of early ( 8.30am ) but there are people even earlier coz when I reached the place all the roadside already parked with Illegal Pakers ! Ouch ! Got money to buy expensive dogs, expensive accessories, expensive dog food but no money to pay for parking? Shame on you ...

" Eh, can walk faster or not ah ?! "

Met Liucas and his mom while having my super over-priced breakfast. He is cute, cut somehow he nad BattZhai just cant stop sniffing each other... -_-''' . We walk around the park that's full of dogs and dog, some games we did enjoy abit of it and guess what, Titoki and GiGi was there too !

With so many doggies around some cute and nice, some HUGE. I'm having hard time to decide which to take, so at the end, didnt take any !!! hahahaahah.

And I Batt Zhai found her long lost sister wei ~ The Color and shape are ALMOST ALIKE !!!


  1. Tim-Kimokeo Voon said...
    i like dogs but dogs dun like me...
    sees me like wanna eat me hahaha!...
    AhTak said...
    HAHAHHAA. I think you'll freak out if you were in 1U yesterday !
    titoki said...
    OMG!!! MY TEEEEEETH~!!!!!!!!!
    Winn said...
    ah tak u left so early yesterday....
    seefei said...
    the back view mirror photo is nice! but i dont encourage you try this technique too often cos of dangerous driving with one hand!!
    AhTak said...
    I dvd this picture into 10 DVDs as bakup, make sure i won't lost it ... kekekeke

    Yaler ... dripping mah, so go back and have a great nap with the doggies ~ kekkeke

    Both my hands were not at the steering !!! Coz my gf is driving ~ KAKAKAAKAK
    Anonymous said...

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