Passion:Ego ?

For so many times I tried to ask :

Are you enjoying Photography or enjoying buying more gears ?

Are enjoying others stated that you have nice pictures ? Or you enjoy more when others envy the expensive gears you have ? Or izzit me that's envy everyone else that have better gears than me ?


  1. Anonymous said...
    Good question to ponder about...

    But you must love photography only will you buy expensive gears to show off (if you are kiasu).

    Or not you can wear branded stuff and modify a sepot car to show off.

    But out of so many things, you chose photography =)
    AhTak said...
    Coz photography is still the cheapest among those you Hi-Lighted ~~ HAHAHAHAHAH

    Will have either a Wedding Job or Model shoot this weekend . Hope can get some nice catch ~
    c a r c a r said...
    "Are you enjoying Photography or enjoying buying more gears ?

    Are enjoying others stated that you have nice pictures ? Or you enjoy more when others envy the expensive gears you have ? Or izzit me that's envy everyone else that have better gears than me ?"

    all of the above :P
    AhTak said...
    Anonymous said...
    Because you love photography, you buy more gears. Because you see others have more gears, you also want more than they do. Because you love nice pics and compliments, you gotta have those gears. Because of all those mentioned, you're a good photographer :)

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