Second day i arrived in the Hotel sharp sharp 10 o'clock, which is a bit too early ler. The girls were not ready with their hairdo and makeup yet, so they dun let me take their pictures ler. Actually I abit paiseh toshow their pictures without make up and hairdo also. Dun spoil the image lah we ~~~

While waiting for the girls to get ready, I dun waste time fast fast go look for those who are ready and start taking pictures ler. As limited space in the room, we got to be abit odd with the location...

We even do it in the washroom, with cloths on ofcoz.hehehehe. After some girls are ready with the hairdo and proceed to makeup in the next room, I have more space to take picture for the girls:

Nice mou ? They are Arial and Cyan. These 2 my Fav pic of the day ~

Everyone was rushing here and there, including me. Taking pictures of the OnStage and the BackStage, tiring...

Girl A: AiYa .. Fai D lah ~ If late sure kena Diu one ~
Girl B: Yalah ~ Yalah ~ Wait I do my hair abit sin lah ~~
Girl A: .........

Girls: Wei ~~ Leng Zai Photographer ~~ Here lah ~~ Got Leng Lui alot here ~~~

Doing the interview and Live OnStage Studio Shooting. Kind of cool I think. But the girls were abit stiff compare to shooting in a real studio, I guess maybe of those thoudand pairs of eyes watching... If it's me then I sure gan jiong till pee one.

A hair show by Lucido L featuring YenRu, if I remember it right. 

After the Hair Show is another harishow, HairShow+HipHop Dancing. Which is actually the potong stim of the day. Specially the 2 MC. I havent come across any MC that's louder and more annoying that the one in Green...

Over 20 people onstage and I am lost who to look at. HairShow which is the Starring, or the HipHop that's more interesting ? 
The only attraction ... Leng Lui ....

Taking pictures for the Leng Luis, always my pleasure. Aerial and Natalie..

To Be Continue .....


  1. Anonymous said...
    Happy die you... So many leng loi...
    国源 said...
    yalor, so many lenglui thr, your nose got bleed or not?
    AhTak said...
    Yawow ~~~ See leng lui untill almost cant see the road .. hahahah !!!

    Ofcoz lah ~ What you think ? Bleed from hotel room to Sungai Wang till back home still bleeding !!
    Anonymous said...
    wey, my name is Ariel not Aerial la~
    AhTak said...
    Aiyak .. soli soli , changed already ~ hehehehe

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