I can't believe that nowadays the government departments can serve customers better than the private sector. I think this has very much contributed by job satisfaction.
AhTiu: Wei, commented in wrong post ler ~ Nvm lah ...
Me also surprised !! Initially I planned to spare more time for the Gov departments,1 hour for Police report, 1 hour for IC, another 1 hour for Driving licence, who knows all 3 depart have my business done within 1 hour ! ( exclude the sesat, the Jam, and finding parking).
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Wei, commented in wrong post ler ~ Nvm lah ...
Me also surprised !! Initially I planned to spare more time for the Gov departments,1 hour for Police report, 1 hour for IC, another 1 hour for Driving licence, who knows all 3 depart have my business done within 1 hour ! ( exclude the sesat, the Jam, and finding parking).