What is so susah ?!

For some reason, my company's internet line was down last thursday, we are using TIme. I'm already so pissed off by the internet failure, coz every staff needs the internet to work ( who doesn't ? ) and they will keep on asking me to solve the problem untill it's fixed. Well, the only thing I can is to replace and check the cable, reset the modem and the computer ( which is not a need, only Windows needs that ), and keep on bugging the Time HelpLine. I called on Thursday and waited whole day as they promised me they will call me. Then It was Friday already with no return calls ... At sharp sharp 9AM i called Time HelpLine.

Tak: Am I supposed to get a call yesterday ?!
Tak: Dun tell me 'Soon' or 'Maybe' ! I want to see a technician in my office by today !

So after some calling and being an asshole over the phone ( that's the only way make then response faster ), a technician arrived in my office, and he already pissed me off withe the first phrase he gave me ...

Tech: AiYah .... Mac Susah lah ....

Damm ... Obviously he is trying to tell me " Your Mac is causing the problem" ...

Tak: Apa yang susah ? You tak tau pakai ke ?
Tech: Yalah ... Kalau Windows senang.
TaK: Apa yang you nak set ?
Tech: IP lah ... nak check Network Status, nak Ping ....

So I have everything he wanted to ' check' done with a few mouse click, less than a minute I guess ...

Tak: Susah ke tu ? Kalau tak tau kacap tak tau, jangan cakap susah !

He show me the stupid face ... and call his office. After he verify something something with his office people, he asked me if I have already restarted my Mac... He think I stupid, and I will make him think he is stupid. I changed the fail cable connection with a working cable connection and even Wireless back and forth, prove there's nothing wrong with the computer and that switching internet connection doesn't require a "Restart" in a Mac.

Most of the "It's different lah, I dunno how to use" and " It's Mac lah ... Susah" I heard are from people that have never use a Mac in their live before. To those maintenance company: Please get a Mac Guy in your technician team or atleast send some of them to a proper Mac training, why ? Coz according to a report from NPD, Apple Sells More Than One in Six U.S. Laptops. It's not that tiny 5% market share already, okay ?!


  1. 国源 said...
    wahahaha...ahtak on fire!
    AhTak said...
    Yalah ... if stupid, admit it, don't try to be lan c and lan yao yeng ...
    Anonymous said...
    Wow..! i see you really ardent supporter of Mac lah..! Apple should pay you for advertising for them lor.. ;)
    AhTak said...
    mama bok:
    Yah hor ~ at least I can get a iMac or Macbook Pro or something ....

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