Say if you dunno and dun pandai pandai go kacau people's computer !
Sometimes it's really annoying and irritating talking to people who thought they know everything in the world. My colleague in Penang have problem with her Mac, infact is the printer, she had problem printing out documents out of the printer, just suddenly. Try to help her over the phone like checking the power, cable, re-installing the printer driver, things still ddint work out, so I ask her to sent out for service. Which she later told me she will send to a guy who claim he know how to fix Mac ( he is a Windows technician ), and charge cheaper than Authorized Apple Service Center, and I am quite not happy with it coz God knows what that guy will do on the Mac...
Days passed by and my colleague called me to update me on the news. The reason why she can't print is caused by the printer, the cable is causing the problem, but she said the guy need to charge RM230 for Format & Restoring the computer ( KL charge only RM120, if you know me then RM60), another RM80 for Service Charge ( normally no charge, depends of the customer attitude ), and dunno how much yet to charge for the printer. Then I was so pissed off, I asked for the Windows Technician's phone number and called him...
I almost wanted to give him an asskick over the phone ! I am so surprised that he call himself a Technician !
. It took that guy 3 days to diagnose what's the problem.
. He formated the computer without making sure if it's the computer or printer causing problem.
. He didnt called and confirm with customer before formating.
. He didn't do backup before formating and lost all the data.
. He didn't answer my colleagues call for 2 days.
. The Mac were sent to Authorized Apple Service Center without notification and 'Ok' from my colleague.
He claim that he got to charge the RM230 becoz the Mac are not installed with Mac OS X 10.3, so he got to Format & Restore ( that's UPGRADE ! IDIOTDUMBASS !) so he can try with the Driver he claim that work ONLY with 10.3, my ass ! I told him I am the official HP Driver Download page, looking at the driver and didn't see anything that says " Work only with 10.3, please upgrade", and he kept quite. In Windows Format and Restore might be the best way to fix problem, i dunno, but definitely not on a Mac. Seems that alot of Windows Technician would have this habbit " Got problem ? Format lah ! Easy ". But what is the point of formating the computer if the printer is giving problem ? Dumbass, let me give you guys some tips if you have problem with your computer. Say you have a senarion " Can't print any document"
1. Check if the Computer and the Printers are On. ( Don't laugh, there's some people that's that stupid )
2. Change the USB cable with a know workable USB cable. ( Borrow from friend if you don't have )
3. Try to print using another printer. ( Borrow from friend if you don't have, from the guy you borrow the cable maybe )
4. Try to reinstall the Printer Driver. ( Go to you printer's website and look for ' DRIVER DOWNLOAD' )
5. Restart the computer. ( Need tips for this ? )
6. Call the printer's HelpLine. HP, Canon, Epson maybe. ( Call Windows Technician won't help, trust me )
There's more ways of doing the diagnose, but I think the above are what you should do before sending to a Service Center.
I duon't like to bargain in the shop, not that I'm loaded or LanC, is just that I don't want to make myself look like an auntie or become the kind of customers I always complain when I'm still doing retail. But that apply only to < RM50...
Last weekend I was in Bintang Maju, The Curve, wanted to get a SB600... So after shooting about 3~4 pictures with the flash on,
AhTak: Can you please ta pao for me, and how much is it ?
Sales : RM950
AhTak: Wow ! That's Expensive !!!
Sales : eemm .... how much you want ?
AhTak: I thought it's around RM850 ?
Sales : Best I can give is RM900.
AhTak: then you keep the Flash, I go check somewhere else.
So I make some calls and check for numbers online in It Planet, Ikano ( where I work last time ), I got a good price, RM790 from Key Color @ Mid Valley ...
So now you all now where to buy camera gears ?
I know it's been a week since I come back from Tawau ...
I know it's been really long time didnt update my blog ....
I know I update my blog not as frequent ...
But I busy mah ... And I hope the pictures do more than my talking ...

Maybe I will do some other entries if i can find the pictures and things to write for it.
Yah, we all know that, so please STOP repeating the same thing on radio, TV, Newspapers, Mags, Blogs, Emails, phone calls, chit chats ...

we all know that now the planet we are living on are in trouble, from polution. So what can we do about it? Close down all the factory? SO you don't have cloths to wear, no TV to watch, no computer to online ~ That would be nice ~ And please stop saying smokers are killing the earth ! Look at the picture and look at your car's exhaust, think before accuses !
Tomolo 720AM, and that's my flight back to Tawau, Sabah.

Cant wait already ler. And let's see what can I do with my flash this time.
Yesterday while I was having dinner with my GF in Kota Damansara I heard the conversation from the table beside us... :
GirlA was having dinner and saw her friend GirlB passby, she shouted to her friend:
GirlA: Eh, Hi, Where you going ?
GirlB: Hi ~ Just had my dinner and going to take my car.
GirlA: You sure ah ?
I was thinking, what if GirlB answered,
"Eh ... I not sure ler, I think so maybe ..."
" Sure ? About what ? Dinner or take my car?"
Apple have announced their new iPods lineup yesterday. With all new designed outlook and with a new member.

Got to feel bad, really bad for those who just got their iPhones in Malaysia and still waiting for someone to hack the phone. The iPhones without the phone functions is exactly the same with iPodTouch, just alot more cheaper. Ask you to wait one ler, dun listen ...
So what's so cool about the iPodTouch?
I guess these makes enuff reason for me to get one. USD299 only for the 8GB version.

With a new designed look and added Video which was missing in the older Nano, like the one i have. So, want to watch video in your office cubical? Want to watch porn in the LRT ? Or want to watch cartoon in the classroom? Just small enuff...

When I'm still selling the iPod Video 60GB, I thought it was crazy, how can any one on earth can have 60GB worth of music ? But Apple are worried, bcoz there's fast internet connect that can download a 4MB files ( MP3 files for example ) in merely 1 mins. So they come out a 160GB iPod to store your lifetime of music.
Is there and photoshooting job can offer me ? Please let me know, you have my contact. Or I wouldn't mind if anyone can 'sponsor' a unit for

For some reason, my company's internet line was down last thursday, we are using TIme. I'm already so pissed off by the internet failure, coz every staff needs the internet to work ( who doesn't ? ) and they will keep on asking me to solve the problem untill it's fixed. Well, the only thing I can is to replace and check the cable, reset the modem and the computer ( which is not a need, only Windows needs that ), and keep on bugging the Time HelpLine. I called on Thursday and waited whole day as they promised me they will call me. Then It was Friday already with no return calls ... At sharp sharp 9AM i called Time HelpLine.
Tak: Am I supposed to get a call yesterday ?!
Tak: Dun tell me 'Soon' or 'Maybe' ! I want to see a technician in my office by today !
So after some calling and being an asshole over the phone ( that's the only way make then response faster ), a technician arrived in my office, and he already pissed me off withe the first phrase he gave me ...
Tech: AiYah .... Mac Susah lah ....
Damm ... Obviously he is trying to tell me " Your Mac is causing the problem" ...
Tak: Apa yang susah ? You tak tau pakai ke ?
Tech: Yalah ... Kalau Windows senang.
TaK: Apa yang you nak set ?
Tech: IP lah ... nak check Network Status, nak Ping ....
So I have everything he wanted to ' check' done with a few mouse click, less than a minute I guess ...
Tak: Susah ke tu ? Kalau tak tau kacap tak tau, jangan cakap susah !
He show me the stupid face ... and call his office. After he verify something something with his office people, he asked me if I have already restarted my Mac... He think I stupid, and I will make him think he is stupid. I changed the fail cable connection with a working cable connection and even Wireless back and forth, prove there's nothing wrong with the computer and that switching internet connection doesn't require a "Restart" in a Mac.
Most of the "It's different lah, I dunno how to use" and " It's Mac lah ... Susah" I heard are from people that have never use a Mac in their live before. To those maintenance company: Please get a Mac Guy in your technician team or atleast send some of them to a proper Mac training, why ? Coz according to a report from NPD, Apple Sells More Than One in Six U.S. Laptops. It's not that tiny 5% market share already, okay ?!
Just got myself an Eva-02 from Kaiyodo, finally. The toy was on my list long enuff, untill I got my salary last week. Then fast fast go buy lah ~

There's about 30 over models in the list, going to get another EVA-01, EVA-00, Operation Yashima, maybe a bad guy for the EVA listing. Then others maybe a Shin Getter .
Dunno what is EVA ?
So what's so good about action figures from the company? It's their Revoltech that's found in every joint of the action figure, that allows alot of posings. For me I want Quality of the toy (Transformer Toy's quality sucks ), nice price tag ( check the Bandai Mobile Suit ), highly posable ( meaning more picture angle ), and ofcoz have the classic Action Figures I like.