I love this shot! Wonderfully capturing the moment of two lovers in lurve. Hehehe... You are so going to be my photographer for my wedding (ahem!) whenever that takes place. Cancel everything even if it means cancelling on a VIP. Wakakaka....
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ur da best...
ur photos gave me alot of inspiration in photography
keep up the good work
Keep it up Ah Tak.
Thanks !!! Can always come and look my my work, if I do update ~ kekekeke
Hope you enjoy the CD I passed to you last night, and thanks for the beers ~ hehehe
HAHHAHAHA !!! NO need jealous .... you have the Ring and the Kiss picture ler ~ ehe
Walamak ~~ So fast place order ah? Can can can, I do hope your wedding will be in a Long House ~!!! I miss TaPai and LiHing !!!