USB 2.0 is just a protocol. copying 484 items to FAT32 will be much slower than to HFS. SLC/MLC flash, HiSpeed or FullSpeed do also affect the performance.
jclin: I think something is wrong. The same amount of data transfered to another Mac from the same thumbdrive took less than 1min ... I wonder when will FW Thumbdrive will be out to the market .....
I think the READ performance is okay. The problem is the write performance. You can try to copy a single large file 86MB to the FAT32 thumb drive for a test. Also, disable the spotlight indexing for the volume.
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I think something is wrong. The same amount of data transfered to another Mac from the same thumbdrive took less than 1min ... I wonder when will FW Thumbdrive will be out to the market .....
Do hope a MacbookPro comes with a USB2.0 . By the way, anyone still using non USB2.0 out there ?
You can try to copy a single large file 86MB to the FAT32 thumb drive for a test.
Also, disable the spotlight indexing for the volume.
Will try try and see .....