Oversea Better ?

Just got a call from my friend asking ...

FD: Eh, my boss just bought a 17" MBP from HK, got problem can send to Apple Store in KL for a 1 to 1 exchange ah ?

Tak: Can send to but not sure if they want to exchange loh..

FD: I thought it's International Warranty ?

Tak: Yes, it's International Warranty. But Imagine this. If you are the shop owner, will you want to exchange a new unit from the store with a spoiled unit, then make calls to Apple and some documentation work, and wait for a few months until Apple give you back the money ? And in the you get nothing, not even 1sen. Will you do that ?

FD: Eh .... no loh ~~

Tak: Yeah ~~~ Good Answer !


  1. seefei said...
    just a point of interest...

    how will you shop handle this sort of case beside exchanging one to one?
    AhTak said...
    Ask them to go back where they bought the unit. That's why I hesitated to get camera in SG ....
    Tim-Kimokeo Voon said...
    this is wad u call chinese do business...heheh!...
    apa international warranty pun tak guna asalkan the boss is chinese hahaha...
    Anonymous said...
    I hear you ..!! we got this problem.. all the time..!!

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