Honestly i am not a very big fans of Amber ......

But since I have been seing her sooooo often these few day. On almost every mags lah, sign board lah, TV lah, news paper lah...ENOUGH !!!! Too Much !!! Aduh ..... terlampau manyak lah boss. Leng Lui also if you see her everyday will get bored okay ?

Picture above awas taken long ago in 1 Utama. She was invited to CatWalk a Bridal whatever. So I went there just for her lah. As I saw that's a huge mega differences between Amber and 'others' while they do CatWalk. I am not 'PRO' in CatWalk or Fashion Shows. But I do like seeing Amber CatWalking ..... Full of confidence.

Also because she is a Sabahan, must support sikit lah ~


  1. Anonymous said...
    sabahan huh? oh well, didnt know that. well yeh,she's ALL OVER THE PLACE. read somewhere that she said she hadnt really been shopping much since ya know..all da ambassador sponsors spokeswoman watsoever. *sighhh* what a life!

    AhTak said...
    Yeah. Sabahan ~

    Man ... I am so jealous of her income. Must be getting alot of Cash from all that....

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